Sunday, 31 August 2014

My Top 3 - Sale Bargains

Hi everyone, for todays 'Top 3' I decided to show you 3 of the best sale bargains that I've picked up recently.

The first items are these beautiful floral ballet slippers.  I did mention these briefly in my Morning Routine post a couple of weeks ago but I just had to show you them properly because I am SO happy with them!  I have a real love for anything with roses or little flowers on and especially in these pink and cream colours.  I spotted these in Tesco about 6 or 7 weeks ago, for only £6, I quickly realised that I was crazy not to get 2 pairs at the time, so I had a spare in case these got damaged in the wash etc and tried every Tesco store I could get to but sadly they had all sold out.  Fingers crossed they will stock them again next summer!  They are extremely comfortable and absolutely gorgeous :-)

The next item was probably one of the best finds I've had this year, it's this Revlon ColorBurst Lipgloss in the shade 014 Rosepearl.  I just happened to have a nosey through the sale section at Boots a few weeks ago and saw this for only 50p, yes really!  Considering they're normally £7.99, I thought to myself, I need to get that.  I tried it on when I got home and wow I am so glad I spent that 50p!  It's one of the nicest and prettiest shades of lipgloss I own and I just think it's beautiful.  It has a really pretty shine, it's very smooth on the lips and seems to last a good long while before needing a re-touch.  Out of all the shades in this range, this is the one I would have picked anyway, so I was really lucky to get it plus I've just found out that Boots have (very stupidly) discontinued this range.  I can't believe it, all the reviews on this lipgloss are so good so why on earth discontinue them, so silly!

Now, I have a 'slight' hoarding problem and find that if I really like something, I just have to have a spare of it, thankfully I manage to find a shop on ebay that still had a few of these Rosepearl glosses still in stock for only £2.90 each, so I grabbed a couple of them! :-)

This little bargain I found on the Debenhams website a few weeks ago, they had a massive sale on and I spotted this beautiful statement necklace by Jon Richard.  It was originally £15, reduced to £7.50 and then reduced again down to £6!  I was thrilled, it was exactly like the type of sparkly statement necklace I'd been looking for.  The other funny thing is that I saw this one a few months ago when I was sourcing pictures for my Summer Wish List back in July and fell in love with it then but just couldn't afford it, so you can image my surprise when I saw it on sale for such a great price!  It lays really nicely when I wear it and goes so well with pretty much any outfit.  I think I will keep it for smarter occasions though and for now it's safely tucked away still in the box it arrived in, to keep it away from the light so it stays nice and clean and shiny :-)

Have you bought any great bargains lately, let me know in the comments :-)
Stay Happy

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  1. the necklace is gorgeous

  2. Thank you, yes I'm really happy with :-) I do love a good bargain!

  3. Those slippers are adorable! Great finds

  4. Thank you, I know I just love them, probably a little too much :-)


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