Anyway so on Friday of last week, while I had the house to myself, something fun happened and the only way I can really describe it is to say, that Christmas exploded in the house! I spent the entire day putting up loads of decorations, Christmas cards from friends and decorating the tree.
getting all the decorations out the box, I love that part!
Then decorating the tree
Our Poodle babies helped!
Some nice nibbly's I got out to have while I decorated the tree, although I spent so much time singing to the music I had on, I didn't eat one thing!
After all that, I then sat and wrap up all my friends presents :-)
I just love wrapping gifts!
Again, I had a little help, well more chaos and distraction but wonderful company of the fluffy variety! :-)
I finally finished off my very festive day by making several Christmas cards for some friends.
Now it's very early, on Christmas Morning and I am very much looking forward to another very festive day! I hope where ever you all are, whatever you're doing or whoever you're with, you have a wonderful and enjoyable day.
Happy Christmas!