Friday, 24 January 2014

Mid Week Mini Haul

Hi everyone, firstly I'm ashamed to say this is the longest I've gone without writing a post since I started my blog!  But I've had a total blank as to what to write about for the last week or so, so I thought I would do a little mini haul and tell you about some of the things I bought when I went out with my friend on Wednesday!

The very nice little Costa lunch I had while I was waiting for my friend to meet me, yum!

Ok first I went to Primark, and I just couldn't resist these adorable little gold rings!  I normally love wearing silver jewellery but lately I've really got into wearing gold as well.  I always prefer to try and match up my makeup and jewellery colours with my outfits, but of course some outfits especially like the one I wore the other day, jeans with a beige and brown jumper, look so much better with gold jewellery than with silver!  I've been gradually collecting little bits of gold jewellery and have a few lovely necklaces and a couple of bracelets but I didn't have any rings, so of course when I saw these lovely ones, I thought ooh :-)

I've been wanting a bow ring for absolutely ages and being sparkly, it's all the more lovely!

Next, I picked up this really nice necklace, nothing too special looking BUT I just loved the idea of it.  You get a double chain and 26 individual gold letters to thread on, making up your own words.  However!  This isn't so great (I now realize) when you have a name, like mine, with a double letter!  Every set of words or names I wanted to put on there I couldn't do for this reason, so over-all I'm a little disappointed but I did figure out a solution, next time I go to town I shall go straight to Primark and buy another one, yeay double letters!

Now, I have to say I absolutely love to wear the soft booty-type slippers around the house and the pair I have, although very comfy are starting to get a bit well-worn!  So I've been on the look out for a new pair, so while I was in Boots (not buying makeup for once!) I couldn't believe my luck when I spotted the loveliest lilac ones, on sale!!  And best of all not only were they in my size but they were a total bargain, reduced from £16.00, to £4.80!  :-)

I shall enjoy wearing these to keep my toes warm!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Making Pretty Things

Hi everyone, wow it's the 8th of January already, how did that happen!!  As always the first week of the year has flown by and I feel like I've done hardly anything, apart from a busy couple of hours last Sunday, when I had to take all the Christmas decorations down :-(  Don't you just hate that, everywhere looks so bare and empty afterwards!
Anyway, on to the little thing that I have been working on since Christmas...

I was given this adorable fabric heart kit for one of my Christmas gifts and couldn't wait to start working on it, so every night after dinner, I sat and sewed it all together and I finally finished last night!  I'm really pleased with it especially as this is the first fabric craft project I've ever made.  I really love the fabric, it's so pretty and it's so perfect for my Shabby Chic obsession.  I used cotton wool to pad the hearts, which gave a nice soft feel to them and finished off the edges with the small pretty cream frilled lace.

I really enjoyed making these, although a little fiddly at times and I'd love to try making some more.

I'd love to know what you think of my newest creation, so please feel free to leave me a little comment below :-)
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Thursday, 2 January 2014

Hi everyone, just a quick post today mainly to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  And I hope you all had a great New Years Eve.Now the question I usually always get asked as soon as the new year comes around, is what are your new years resolutions and will I stick to them?!   Well, I will admit to be honest, I never normally do BUT, this year I really want to try.  So my new years resolutions this year are, to work harder and be a lot more dedicated to it, to enjoy my life more, to get out and do more things and get involved with an outdoor activity like volunteering etc, to get up earlier (hardest one of all!!)  And to really put more effort into the things I enjoy doing like my blog, my singing and making more jewellery!  (I think that all basically comes under the one main category of just not being quite so lazy lol)!!

So what are your new years resolutions?  I would love to hear about them all, so please leave a comment below!  And a very Happy New Year to you :-)
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