Friday, 4 July 2014

Tasty Treats - Chocolate Crispy Cakes

Hi everyone, a couple of days ago I decided to get creative in the kitchen, and this is what I came up with . . . Chocolate Crispy Cakes :-) Yum!

Now I'm not much of a cook but these I can manage.  I haven't had these in such a long time.  When I posted a picture of the finished cakes on my facebook page, one of friends even said they reminded him of being a kid again lol

So here's the bits I used, now I know technically if you're making 'crispy' cakes then you would normally use Rice Crispies (hence the name) but I've always prefered them made with Corn Flakes, hay they're still crunchy right!

After boiling water in a pan, I placed a glass bowl on top and then added the chocolate.  Just a quick funny story to mention - Back when I was at boarding school, my friend and I decided to make these Crispy Cakes for a fate, we couldn't find a glass bowl and so 'borrowed' a plastic one from the teachers cupboard but of course; plastic bowl on a boiling hot metal saucepan. . . it melted the bottom, we were very stupid and no we didn't think of that.  Thankfully though the cakes came out great, the same couldn't be said for the bowl! :-)

Melting the chocolate, oooh if only digital pictures had smell-o-vision, it really did smell gorgeous!!

Adding the Corn Flakes, I do this a little at a time and fold them into the chocolate with a large spoon.

Then just pop a couple of spoonfuls into cake cases, so easy!I then tried to make some more up with a bar of melted Chocolate Caramel but that really didn't work too well, I didn't think about the actual caramel not melting properly and it ended up just going mushy rather than melted, oh well.

After that I tried a bar of Cadbury's Fruit & Nut, which worked lovely.

I put little silver dots on the bottom of the cake case for these ones so I could tell the difference once they were finished.

And there they are all done and looking yummy.  I put them all on a plate and into the fridge to cool, ready for eating with my cup of tea :-)

Have you ever made these before, do you think you'll give it a go?  Let me know in the comments.
And just before I go today, to all my American readers, 
Happy 4th of July :-)

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  1. looks so good!!


  2. Thank you they tasted great too!! Really like your blog, how funny your name is Danielle too :-)

  3. That looks absolutely delicious, I think I'll make them!

  4. Ooh that's great, hope they come out well :-)

  5. this looks amazing <3

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC, bloglovin? It would be great, just let me know :)


  6. Hi thank you :-) I really like your blog too and I'm happy to follow you, I hope you will follow me to.
    Hugs Dani

  7. Thanks for following. I followed back:)

  8. Aww thank you so much, that's made me really happy! :-D


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