Sunday, 24 August 2014

My Top 3 - Mascaras

Hi everyone, time for another top 3 :-)

This week I've decided to focus on mascaras, basically because I just could not do my makeup without it, it's the one product that makes me feel the most 'finished', the pretties and the most feminine.  So on to my 3 favorites -

If I want a great waterproof mascara that doesn't flake and gives a nice lot of volume, I always go to my MaybellineThe Rocket Volum' Express.  It holds a curl really well and lasts all day.  I love the large wand to, as it's helps to make it really quick and easy to apply.

Another Maybelline gem, is the BIG Eyes Double Ended mascara.  I did a review of this one back in March.  I wasn't too impressed with the larger wand for the top lashes, but the smaller wand is just amazing for the bottom lashes and outer corners!  The formula is a little dryer than I would normally like but it does mean that there's no transphering or smudging either!  I've always been a fan of Maybelline mascaras right from when they were first available, and I'm looking forward to trying out some of their other very popular mascara too.

And finally, my all time favorite, the Seventeen Doll'd Up Mascara.  Now how many times have you heard me mention this one?!  I love it SO much.  Out of all the mascaras I've ever used, this one comes top every time!  I can't believe I only paid about £2 for it when it was on special offer in Boots.  I've re-purchased it and have a spare, well you never know when they might suddenly discontinue it.  I've known that happen before!  Basically if you're looking for a very long lasting, volumizing, lengthening all-round perfect mascara, I could not recommend this more!

I hope you're all having a great weekend, stay warm and stay happy

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1 comment:

  1. I've been so hesitant to try the Maybelline the Rocket Volume Express mascara...I should stop being so hesitant and pick it up on my next drugstore trip!

    -Mary |


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