Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Happy Christmas from Me

Hi everyone, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas or just a great weekend.  I can't believe it's over already, does anyone else really have the post-xmas blues right now I don't usually but today I'm just like, why, why is it over so quick, where did it go!!  So I thought what better way to carry on the festive cheer than to write a festive blog post, I mean it's still Christmas week right!?

So I'm just generally here to say hi and hope you all had a great day.  What did everyone get?  Let me know in the comments, what was your favourite thing?  I will be doing a 'what I got for Christmas' video and post probably in a week or so, I'm currently waiting on a friend (as usual lol).  But generally I'm really thrilled with everything I was given this year and can't wait to show you guys.

I also uploaded a video on Christmas day which is a nice little festive Xmas haul and I filmed me putting my decorations up in my room as well.  I'm not one for putting decs up early, I usually try and do them the week before Christmas but it just didn't happen this year, and then even though I filmed that on Friday and planned to get it up on Sunday, I encountered some major very annoying technical problems (ie windows media player was being a general pain in the ---), so it didn't go up till Monday, but oh well, what can ya do!  You can watch that here, I hope you like it anyway, it was a lot of fun but a lot of work, worth it if you like it though :-)

Anyway, this was just a short little 'check-in' post and I'll write again soon.  Hugs to you all and until next time Stay Festive

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Monday, 18 December 2017

Christmas Wish List (Gift Guide) 2017

Hi everyone, firstly apologies for the lack of post the last couple of weeks, life got busy again and I did not feel at all well either.  Although during that time I did spend a considerable amount of time looking through online shops and contemplating what I would love to receive for Christmas this year.  Any (if not all) of these following items would all be extremely welcome under my tree but I also thought they would make great gift ideas for your friends and family (or a treat for yourself) too!

1. The first thing on my list is the one item I always ask for every year, a calendar.  But not just any calendar, it has to be the 'Me to You', Tatty Teddy calendar.  I just love these, the illustrations are always so cute and I've been collecting these for many years.

2. I've had my eye on this particular palette for quite a long while now but just haven't got around to finally buying it.  But every time I see it, I want it!  The shades are so rich and beautiful and I really love that these eyeshadows are scent free as well, for someone who's nose runs at the first whiff of a fragrance, scent free products are a god send.  I'm planning to do a video on all my best scent free makeup soon too, so this would fit in perfectly (any excuse to have it) :-)

3. Ok so this one is a little more specific to us Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon fans but I am in LOVE with this hoodie!!  It is a little on the pricier side, around £30 but I think for a nice warm fleece (and the opportunity to strut around with 'Daryl-style' wings on my back) it's well worth it :-D  I love that it looks so cosy and I'm keeping everything crossed that I'm opening this parcel on Christmas day.
*As a side note, these are mostly only available from China and are sold in European sizes, but they do sell quite a good range of sizes that are suitable for men and women.  I have linked this particular store on ebay, as they were one of the only ones I found that do a small size.

4. There are some really pretty and very different styles of earrings around at the moment and I'm kind of getting bored with all my old small pairs and I really fancy a change.  I really like these black tassel ones from Primark, they're only £2.  Silver triple star studs are gorgeous, these ones are £12 from Not On The Highstreet who also sell a large range of the open circle studs in a range of prices.

5. Going back to the Daryl wings theme, I found this amazing phone case on ebay and I want it so bad!!

6. And 7. Well, you can't have a Christmas list without some classic chocolate can you!

8. Ok back to the main gifts, this little beauty is the HP Sprocket.  Now, if you haven't already heard the whole of the internet talking about this little gadget, it is an amazing mini printer that syncs up to your phone via bluetooth, usb or wifi and you can personalize then print out all the photos that are confined to your phone, so you can put them in frames or in a photo album to keep and look through.  I just think it's the most amazing idea.  The best part is, although the special paper is a little on the pricey side; around £10 for just 20 sheets, the fact that you don't need ink to print really good quality photos is pretty innovative.  A little heads up, PC World are currently doing a fantast offer for £119, where you not only get the Sprocket but you also get an extra pack of papers, a carry case and a mini photo album.  Best Christmas present ever :-)

9. I don't know what it is about these cinema light boxes, that makes them so cool but I just love them and I've been wanting one for so long now.  I personally prefer the A5 size, plus I don't have room anywhere for the A4, but I just think the smaller, the cuter!

10. Who doesn't need a little extra of this here and there?!  I'm currently trying to save like a crazy person for my trip to London in March, so every penny is happily and gratefully received.

11. These next two items are both from Zoella's latest homewhere range, and omg the colour theme of this range is just too cute. I love all the bits and plan to gradually get my hands on most of it, but firstly this long cushion I just know would fit perfectly in with my bedroom decor . . .

12. And as for this planner!!  I use a planner pad every day to organize my projects, which I bought from Home Bargains back in the summer and it's nice enough.  But let's face it, if you're going to do something, do it in style right?!  Incidentally, Superdrug have currently got most of their Zoella range on sale right now, so hurry if you want to grab a bargain!
I have also been a busy bee filming more videos over the last couple of weeks and I even managed to vlog my fun day at Wales Comic Con, which I honestly think is actually one of my favourite videos so far!  So you can click here to head on over to my channel and please don't forget to like the videos if you enjoy them and why not subscribe too, that way you'll never miss a new video from me :-)
I hope you all have a really lovely Christmas and until next time, Stay Happy & Festive

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