Saturday, 30 November 2013

Tantalizing Tunes :-)

Hi everyone, I thought I would just do a really quick post tonight to share with you a couple of tracks that I recently found on YouTube and have been absolutely loving!  Especially this one called 'Moondust' (I just love that name!)  By Jaymes Young, it is just GORGEOUS and I haven't been able to stop listening to it for the last couple of months!
Also another great track called 'Left Too Late' by
Florrie, I just think it's a really cute song and have again been listening to it loads the last couple of weeks!

So have a listen, see what you think and I hope you enjoy, especially Moondust lol :-)

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Monday, 25 November 2013

My First Review. . .

Hi everyone, today I thought definitely review for you.  Now I know there are absolutely loads of reviews around about this items already and most of you probably already own one, BUT I happen to think you can never read too many reviews if you're looking into getting a certain item or product and also, hopefully, you just might like to hear my thoughts about it too!
So (get on with it Dani)!  The Tangle Teazer hairbrush. . . !

I got mine for my birthday last February, I really wanted one for one of my gifts because I'd heard a lot about them and I was desperate to give it a try to see if it could tame my wild, always-full-of-knots-and-static, tresses!  And thankfully (the majority of the time), it well and truly does not disappoint!
Now I say the majority of the time because especially when I had longer hair, I found that the brush didn't quite get through the heavy thickness of my hair and I found that I needed to use my other regular hairbrush with its slightly longer bristles first, to get the main knots out and then I could go over with the Tangle Teazer to really smooth everything out and finish off.  But now my hair is shorter, the brush is a dream to use and I love the way it makes my hair feel extra soft after just a few minutes of using it and with very little effort.  It was £10.99 when I bought it with my birthday money from Boots (though if I remember rightly I think I used a 10% off voucher to help buy it at the time).

Tangle Teezer Purple Glitter

The teeth on the brush are very gentle and glide through my hair, never snagging or pulling (I just hate it when that happens!)  I would also say, it is absolutely amazing on just washed damp hair!
So all in all, I would most definitely recommend it :-)

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Friday, 22 November 2013

A Trip to the Hairdresser's, At Last!

Hi all, well I finally decided enough was enough, I had got really fed up of my long hair getting in the way, taking forever to wash and generally looking lang and horrible.  So I took my self off to the hairdressers last Saturday.  I went to a great place called Hair Inspirations here in North Wales and had my 'do' done by a lovely lady called Lisa.  It didn't take too long about 45 minutes and only cost £22.50 but I gave her a small tip as well.  Umm do I like it, well I think so, I'm not 100% happy with it, the style is great and Lisa did a lovely job but I wish I hadn't had it done quite as short but still, it's hair, it'll grow!  So maybe in 6 weeks or a couple of months time I'll be a lot happier with it.  So for now, it's make the best of it, try and style it (which is never my strong point) and basically like it and lump it!  My friend said it looked nice and my mum seems to love it so that's something.  So go on let me know what you all think, please don't be toooo harsh!! :-/

This is about the only decent 'before' pic I could find!

Yes I'm aware that I take the worse 'selfies' ever. . . apparently!
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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Helping Hedgehogs

Hi all, just thought I'd write a quick post, to tell you all about our new garden resident, a rescue Hedgehog which we've decided to name Wilf.  He came from a lady who runs a small Hedgehog sanctuary and since he has a damaged back leg, he'll be staying with us in the enclosure of our garden.  At the moment he's sleeping rather a lot, possibly at the beginning of his hibernation cycle, he could still wake up for food which we put out daily for him but so far he seems to be happy staying in the warmth of his little hog-house!

The house came from a great website called Ark Wildlife (, they're idea for the Hedgehogs as they are raised off the ground for extra warmth and have a double doorway, so no cats, dogs or other predators can get in there too!  We've filled the house with nice soft hey for bedding and he seems pretty cosy.  We've also got his house and a feeding station (a plastic storage box with a whole cut in the side and bowls of hedgehog wet food and dried meal worms - their favorite!) in a large wire rabbit run on the patio, to keep him safely contained over winter until the warmer weather in the spring.  Also at the moment we've got another hedgehog living in another hog-house down the bottom of the garden, he turned up about a week ago and happily comes out every night for his dinner.  

Here are just a couple of photos of our current resident hedgehog (he doesn't have a name at the moment so if anyone can think of a good one, please let me know).  I don't  have any photos of Wilf yet but as soon as I do I'll post some :-)

P.S.  Please remember to keep a look out for our prickly little friends, they are very vulnerable and there are many dangers around in the garden, anything from dogs and cats, not checking piles of leaves, bonfires, ponds and many more.  If there are underweight they will not make it through a harsh winter and need all the food they can get.  Feed them with dried meal worms, cat food (not fish based), wet hedgehog food like 'Spikes' available from 'Pets at Home' and dry Hedgehog Mix available from 'Ark Wildlife'.  Please NEVER give them bread and milk, it's an old myth and can cause them a lot of harm by swelling up in their stomachs!  Hedgehogs are now considered an endangered species and could be extinct within the next 10 years, so please do all you can to help them! :-)

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Friday, 15 November 2013

Decorating a Denim Jacket

Hi everyone, for today's post I thought I would show you the denim jacket I recently worked out.  The jacket was originally from Matalan (love that shop!) and it was £19.99, but I got it about 4 months ago!

I've been loving the studded denim jackets etc that I've seen everywhere, but either couldn't find one I particularly loved or one that I could afford.  So after I finally found the right jacket, I went on to Amazon and found myself some lovely little silver studs, I got several styles as I wasn't 100% sure what I was going to do at first, I also got some from a local haberdashers.  The white pen is to mark the fabric where I wanted the studs to go, I also used the blunt plastic end of a nail file but a non sharp rounded knife would work just as well. 

After deciding on the round and square shaped studs, and placing them on the jacket, I move them around and tried several different variations until I was happy with the pattern.  Then I pushed the back spikes into the fabric to keep them in place while I fixed them on properly.


To fix them in place, I used the plastic ended nail file to push the spikes down, then I carefully used the hammer to lightly tap the spikes to make sure they were really tightly pushed into the fabric.  One thing I would definitely recommend is to have a folded piece of kitchen paper or a piece of medium thick fabric underneath the stud you are hammering or the top of it will indent and it could mark your work surface to!

I'd say it was reasonably easy to do and took me roughly about 2 hours or so but of course so worth it.  The pockets were definitely the hardest to do but I'm really happy with the finished look and can't wait to put an outfit together with it :-)  Let me know what you think...


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Sunday, 10 November 2013

No Treats Today

Hi all, ok time for a rant!!  Well sad to say my little visit to Boots today was a fail!  I went to buy the amazing Real Techniques Core Collection brushes, I've been saving up my Boots points to buy for months!  So I took my card and the last pack of brushes to the till, only to find that I didn't have enough points on my card (£4 not enough) and then to top it off, they then tell me that I can't pay for an item with points combined with cash!  So I had to put them back, it was a sad moment! :-(
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Friday, 8 November 2013

No.7 Free Gift

Hi everyone, today I thought I would tell you about my last trip to Boots a couple of weeks ago.  I was looking forward to buying one of the No.7 Stay Perfect Lipsticks (I got the shade Classic Rose) and No.7 Precision lip liner pencil (because they're staying power is amazing! I got shade Plum)  And to my great surprise and excitement, No.7 were giving away a gift pack for any two items purchased :-)
In the pack was yet another Stay Perfect Lipstick in Modesty, funnily enough the same colour that I was intending to buy originally, a gorgeous shade of High Shine Lipgloss in Smile and a very handy No.7 lip brush, all package in a very pretty little gift bag!
Right, now for the main bit - the lip brush is really good and I now use it for many of my lipstick for extra staying power.
The gloss, well, it's not too bad.  I find I have to apply a lot for it to actually look like I'm wearing any at all, even a thin layer.  It does stay on reasonably well (but does any gloss really stay put!)  One thing I will say is that it's a beautiful colour, though more in the tube than on the lips as it's very sheer but I will use it a while longer and give it another chance.
As for the lipsticks, I'm pretty new to these Stay Perfect ones but so far, I'm loving them!  The shade of the lipstick in the pack (even though that was the colour I originally wanted), is not the best at least on me and not overly pigmented but the one I bought, is a lovely deep pinkish cherry shade, so I'm happy with that. Plus I'm looking forward to me next little visit to Boots tomorrow, watch this space as I will have some more lovely new items to share :-) photo MyBlogSignature2_zps611ebcf4.png

Monday, 4 November 2013

Blogger Plans

Hi everyone, welcome to my first blog post!  So, I thought I would start by telling you what type of posts you can expect to see on here.  I want to write about things I like and enjoy, and I hope you will find them interesting too.  I LOVE music (especially Linkin Park), crafts, Poodles, Magick & Wicca, make up, fashion, YouTube, shopping, singing and of course SHOES!! :-)  I'm hoping to do a room tour (once I've finally finished refurbishing my room and when it's a lot tidier!), I'll show you my make up collection and storage and tell you about my obsession of lipsticks. I'm looking forward to doing lots of makeup and product reviews, as well as showing you shopping hauls and 'outfit of the days', I'll tell you about craft projects I'm working on (because I just love to customize everything!), my gorgeous Poodles and my general life!  I also have a health condition called Fibromyalgia, so I will tell you about how I deal with that.
So hopefully there will be something for everyone and I would love to have you follow me along my journey, quite literally :-)
Please feel free to leave any helpful comments or tips, as I'm a newbie to blogging and welcome all suggestions and if there's a particular product you would like me to review, just let me know and if I can get hold it (and afford it!), I will let you know what I think of it.

So, to start introducing you into my life, here's a few pics of the things I enjoy :-) Hugs from...

Our beautiful Poodle babies, Tilly and Katie (you'll be seeing a lot of these!)

My most favorite music in the world!

My beliefs...

The most wonderfully romantic story, plus vampires and a sexy werewolf - what more could you want!

My most absolutely favorite film ever, is watching a movie over 56 times excessive?! :-)

Some of the type of things I like to make

My extreme love of birdcages, roses, shabby chic and anything 'vintage'!

Another me in one of my favorite outfits :-)

Decorating my denim jacket


The wonders of makeup!

Real Techniques, the best makeup brushes ever invented!

Crapy health issues - Fibro, Anemia and EDS!

A couple of pics of some of the jewellery I love to make!

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