Hi everyone. I am sitting here writing this post
now, listening to the fireworks going off in the distance, feeling quite sad
and disappointed. Today is once again my
Blog Birthday and it is actually the tenth year! I always thought years ago, that if I ever
managed to keep my blog going for this length of time, I would do such a great
post and a big giveaway to celebrate having my blog for 10 years! But sadly, I haven't really been able to keep
my blog going, not like I used to, because the last few years I have barely
been posting. And I do wonder, does anyone
even read blogs anymore?!
I used to love writing my posts so much, I put
so much effort into each and every one. I loved taking and editing the photos and
would spend hours on it, and for many years I posted every single week. But life changed, things got difficult and
hard and even though I really wanted to keep it going, it just never did. Like I wrote a while back, I will try not to
ever actually close the site or delete my blog, so it will still be here for
anyone to read, including myself and I will post some times, just because I do
love to write and hope that someone out there might still take the time to read
I hope to be able to write some more positive
posts but at the moment, my depression has taken a big nosedive and I'm not
doing too good. I'm not happy at all
with my life and I feel like I'm drowning with the grief of losing my Dad a
year ago.
On the plus side, and two of the only things
that have really been a positive in my life is that one, I have been learning a
language. Which is something I didn't
even think I was capable of as I was chronically terrible at learning French at
school. I even got a U in a French
test!! But thankfully, I do seem to be
learning well with my new chosen language, which I've been learning for nearly
a year now. And what is the language you
may ask! I am learning Finnish :-) It is quite complex but a beautiful language. I've also been learning a lot about Finland
and the Finnish culture. Maybe I'll do a
post about it one day, if anyone is interested.
The second interest that has kept me sane this
past 7-8 months, is my new music account, called @music2heal.my.soul and it is on both Instagram and Tiktok. After I re-found all my favourite music and
favourite bands near the beginning of last year. I have mentioned this in more detail in my
last post, which you can read here, Making Changes.
I love my little place on the internet, whether it's posting on my blog or
spending time making lyric videos and posting on my music accounts. And I want to keep doing these things,
because it gives me pleasure and gives me something nice to focus on, as well
as great happiness when I know it makes others smile too.
If you are one of my original followers, I thank
you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me, and if you're new here
and managed to read this far (I am known for writing loooong posts), then
again, thank you.
Until Next Time, whenever that may be. Stay Cool and Be Yourself ♥