Thursday, 5 November 2020

7th Blog Birthday & Positivity Giveaway

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday my little blog, Happy birthday to you"  Wahoo, Crystal Sparkly Dreams is now 7 years old today!!

And to celebrate, as always, it's time for a giveaway :-)

I recently stumbled on this great new website Soul Analyse that has the most beautiful selection of jewellery that is all inscribed with positive affirmations!  Such as 'You are enough' and 'You've got this'.  I decided straight away that I wanted the gorgeous silver 'I am strong' ring and I've been wearing it since it arrived several weeks ago.
I was so happy with the look and quality of the ring, that I thought it would make the perfect gift for a birthday giveaway and of course the winner will get to choose what inscription they would like.

As you guys know, mental health is something very important to me and to have an item like this that you can keep with you at all times with a positive, personal message on that you can read to yourself whenever you need a boost; I think is an amazing idea especially at the moment when we all need a little 'pick me up'.  So I hope you'll enjoy entering the giveaway and maybe winning one of these lovely rings for yourself or of course for a family member or friend to help cheer them up.

To enter, use the Rafflecoper widget below.  Please read all the T&Cs underneath and I can't wait to read your answers to my question.  Good luck :-)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Rules:

    ♥    To be in with a chance of winning my 'Blog Birthday Positivity Giveaway', enter via the Rafflecopter widget

    ♥    Please make sure you leave your first name and email address or twitter name in the comments, so that I can contact you if you win

    ♥    There will be only one winner, picked at random

    ♥    This giveaway is open internationally

    ♥    You must complete all 3 mandatory entries before you can access any of the extra entry options

    ♥    This giveaway will run for 14 days from Thursday the 5th of November 2020 until Thursday the 19th of November 2020, 12.00am gmt

    ♥    Once the giveaway is over, I will contact the winner directly via email or Twitter, once the winner has been contacted they will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be selected.  I will then send the winner all the options and choices of rings available so they can choose which one they would like, then purchase a ring for the winner from

Until next time, stay happy, thank you for entering and good luck 

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