Monday, 5 November 2018

Hello & 5th Blog Birthday


Hi everyone, some of you may not remember me and some of you may have wondered where I'd gone, since I haven't uploaded a blog post in forever!  So if you did happen to wonder, thank you!  I have been away for quite a while, taking (this time) a planned break from blogging and youtube, while I get my life a bit more organized including moving house (twice)!!  But I wanted to write this quick post today to let you guys know I've not forgotten about you my readers, that I'm longing to properly get back to blogging and filming (hopefully by next month) and also to commemorate my little blog's 5th birthday :-D

I can't believe it's been five years since I sat down and wrote and uploaded my first ever blog post and it does make me feel sad that I've missed so much time when life has taken priority and I've not been able to keep up with posting regularly like I always used to.
I'm also sad to say that this year unlike all my previous 'blog birthdays', I'm not running a giveaway this time.  However, DO expect one in the near future!!

I have MANY future plans for my blog and for my youtube channel, which I also can not wait to get back to, just know that it is all going to be 'new and improved', and I'm very excited!!!

So if you did stick with me, or if you're new here at Crystal Sparkly Dreams, Welcome and a HUGE thank you!! :-)  And as always until next time, Stay Happy

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