Sunday, 6 November 2016

3rd Blog Birthday & Giveaway

Hi everyone, I can't believe it's already this time of year again, already!  It only feels like a couple of months ago I was sat here writing about my 2nd blog birthday and now here I am celebrating my 3rd!

I just can't believe I've been writing my blog for 3 years!!  And what an exciting 3 years it's been, I've learnt so much, I've grown in confidence and I've made some really great friends.  I've loved writing about so many things, I've taken hundreds of photos and spent many enjoyable days sat writing, editing and planning for all my various posts.  I've loved blogging about all the different things I love; like doing reviews and tags, showing you my baking disasters and fun days out, my gorgeous poodles and all my naughty spending sprees! :-)

But best of all, I've loved getting to know my readers, chatting to you on Twitter and reading your amazing blogs.  So here is a very big THANK YOU, for sticking with me and faithfully reading my (often very long) posts!

And as a little thank you from me to you, I am giving away this beautiful little silver heart necklace.  It has a small double heart with a double row of pretty pink crystals around the outside.  It's very dainty and would look gorgeous with a nice shirt or over a T'shirt.  You could also wear the two hearts on separate chains for a different look.
*please note, the website did state that the necklace is nickel free* :-)

All you need to do to enter, is use the Rafflecoper widget below.  The giveaway will last for 2 weeks from today (Sunday the 6th of November) and you can enter as many times as you would like.  Please read all the T&Cs below and I'll look forward to reading your comments.  Good luck :-)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Rules:
©    To be in with a chance of winning the 'Silver Double Heart Necklace', enter via the Rafflecopter widget
©    Please make sure you leave your first name and email address or twitter name in the comments, so that I can contact you if you win
©    There will be only one winner
©    This giveaway is open internationally
©    To be in with a chance of winning, you must complete all mandatory entries
©    You must also complete all mandatory entries before you can access any of the extra entry options
©    This giveaway will run for 14 days from Sunday the 6th of November 2016 until Sunday the 20th of November 2016, 12.00am gmt
©    Once the giveaway is over, I will contact the winner directly via email or Twitter.  Once the winner has been contacted they will have 72 hours to reply or a new winner will be selected.

Until next time, stay happy and good luck

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