Hi everyone, well it's been a while hasn't it,
has anyone even noticed I don't know or has everyone been too busy with the
start of this year going so fast already!
I was chatting to a friend the other night and I went to say to her, I
can't believe we're half way through January already and then I thought hold on
it's the 4th of Feb today, like what, when did that happen!?!
This year so far, has been one big ball of
stress, my sleeping pattern has been all over the place, even worse than usual
and mine is pretty bad anyway! And I
just feel like I haven't even had time or chance to think about my own stuff,
my health, my plans or my blog! I
started this year feeling so incredibly positive and hopeful and full of ambition
but so far I literally feel like it's all been put on hold and the way things
have been going, it's all been the opposite!
Admittedly, it's not been all bad, there's been
a couple of things that have progressed and are looking good for the future and
one big stress that started the year off with a big black cloud over my life,
which hopefully (fingers crossed) is now clearing to let the light through
But in the midst of it all, I feel like I'm
floundering, I don't know if I've taken too much on, I don't have enough time
or energy to focus on the things I need to focus on and honestly, all I want to
do right now is sleep, but I have SO many things I need to get done, and want
to get done!!
Just because half my plans are on hold, I'm
still feeling so ambitious and ready to take on the year. I want to get back to blogging every week
like I used to and I want to put my all in to the other couple of projects I've
assigned myself to this year #2017goals!
So what's next you ask (and I constantly ask
myself), one job at a time, that's what.
And as for the stuff that's not in my control, what's the good in
worrying about it. I've literally made
myself ill with stress the last couple of weeks with several big stress-balls,
one may hopefully be sorting itself out but as for the other, it's not for me
to sort and even though it will affect my life and plans for my near future,
all I can do is take one day at a time and concentrate on the things I can do
something about!
I tell myself all this and I'm really
desperately trying to stay positive. . . So far, it's not working out too well,
but all I can do, all you can ever do is keep trying :-)
Until Next Time Stay Happy ♥
Until Next Time Stay Happy ♥