Sunday, 27 July 2014

Something a Little Different - My Top 3's

Hi everyone I hope you're all well and having a good day.  Wow it's so hot here in the uk at the moment!!  Ok just a quick post to tell you about a new idea I have planned for my blog.  As well as my weekly posts, I'm also going to try and do a 'quick' post in between the usual ones, with the theme of My Top 3's.  Now this can be anything from; makeup items, to music, to skin care, to foods, to movies etc, you get the idea!

So to kick it off, today's Top 3 are some absolutely amazing tunes that I cannot stop listening to at the moment, I literally am wanting to hear these all the time, in fact I've just been listening to them a little while ago.

The first is a track I found originally on YouTube many months ago, and it's called Moondust, (I just love that word) and it's by Jaymes Young.  I found it on one of Sawyer Hartman's scenic videos of gorgeous American beaches and the song was playing over the film.  I think I must have watched that video about 6 times that day just so I could keep hearing the track!  It has such a lovely relaxed, chilled out sound to it and I could happily listen to it all day!  I'll pop a link in HERE so you can not only hear this brilliant song but also see the beautiful scenic images too.  Also HERE is another link to a slightly different acoustic version of the song - I am absolutely besotted with this guys voice, so gorgeous!!

Ok on to the next track, this is by a girl called Jeni Suk, I found her through a random facebook post with her own version of a song called Wildfire and I loved it, so after a quick YouTube search I of course found her channel and found one of her original tracks called Parables.  And I'm absolutely nuts about it, it's so beautiful.  She is a very talented girl, all the lyrics and music are created by herself.  You can hear this beautiful song and see her in action in her video HERE :-)

Finally, this next track is from a very old 90's album called Essential Mix, which is basically a mixed dance cd with tracks by dj's Paul Oakenfold, Carl Cox, Pete Tong and Sasha.  Now I LOVE 90's dance music, it's my absolute favourite, however the track in my top three today off this cd is called Man With No Name - Floor Essence, strange name but wow, really wow!  It is one of the best dance tracks I've ever heard, I can NOT stop listening to it and find myself constantly pressing repeat, I am obsessed with it!  Seriously you have to hear this, it's too good not to be heard, a lot! :-)  you can find it HERE.
I only purchased the cd a short while ago very cheaply from AMAZON, if you'd like to check out the whole album you can get it on there for only 79p, bargain!

I hope you enjoyed this kind of blog post and I'm looking forward to doing many others, not 100% sure yet but the next one may involve a makeup item. . . Who knows, watch this space :-)
Stay happy

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