Thursday, 9 January 2014

Making Pretty Things

Hi everyone, wow it's the 8th of January already, how did that happen!!  As always the first week of the year has flown by and I feel like I've done hardly anything, apart from a busy couple of hours last Sunday, when I had to take all the Christmas decorations down :-(  Don't you just hate that, everywhere looks so bare and empty afterwards!
Anyway, on to the little thing that I have been working on since Christmas...

I was given this adorable fabric heart kit for one of my Christmas gifts and couldn't wait to start working on it, so every night after dinner, I sat and sewed it all together and I finally finished last night!  I'm really pleased with it especially as this is the first fabric craft project I've ever made.  I really love the fabric, it's so pretty and it's so perfect for my Shabby Chic obsession.  I used cotton wool to pad the hearts, which gave a nice soft feel to them and finished off the edges with the small pretty cream frilled lace.

I really enjoyed making these, although a little fiddly at times and I'd love to try making some more.

I'd love to know what you think of my newest creation, so please feel free to leave me a little comment below :-)
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