Friday, 24 January 2014

Mid Week Mini Haul

Hi everyone, firstly I'm ashamed to say this is the longest I've gone without writing a post since I started my blog!  But I've had a total blank as to what to write about for the last week or so, so I thought I would do a little mini haul and tell you about some of the things I bought when I went out with my friend on Wednesday!

The very nice little Costa lunch I had while I was waiting for my friend to meet me, yum!

Ok first I went to Primark, and I just couldn't resist these adorable little gold rings!  I normally love wearing silver jewellery but lately I've really got into wearing gold as well.  I always prefer to try and match up my makeup and jewellery colours with my outfits, but of course some outfits especially like the one I wore the other day, jeans with a beige and brown jumper, look so much better with gold jewellery than with silver!  I've been gradually collecting little bits of gold jewellery and have a few lovely necklaces and a couple of bracelets but I didn't have any rings, so of course when I saw these lovely ones, I thought ooh :-)

I've been wanting a bow ring for absolutely ages and being sparkly, it's all the more lovely!

Next, I picked up this really nice necklace, nothing too special looking BUT I just loved the idea of it.  You get a double chain and 26 individual gold letters to thread on, making up your own words.  However!  This isn't so great (I now realize) when you have a name, like mine, with a double letter!  Every set of words or names I wanted to put on there I couldn't do for this reason, so over-all I'm a little disappointed but I did figure out a solution, next time I go to town I shall go straight to Primark and buy another one, yeay double letters!

Now, I have to say I absolutely love to wear the soft booty-type slippers around the house and the pair I have, although very comfy are starting to get a bit well-worn!  So I've been on the look out for a new pair, so while I was in Boots (not buying makeup for once!) I couldn't believe my luck when I spotted the loveliest lilac ones, on sale!!  And best of all not only were they in my size but they were a total bargain, reduced from £16.00, to £4.80!  :-)

I shall enjoy wearing these to keep my toes warm!

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