Wednesday 17 January 2018

A New Year Catch Up

Hi, happy new year!  It's freezing today and currently snowing again.

Since I haven't uploaded a post since just after Christmas, I thought it was a good time to have a catch up with you all and tell you what's been going on in my life lately.  Everyone seems to have ill on or around Christmas this year, I'm a little late to the party but my Fibro has well and truly kicked in and I've honestly just been feeling horrible the past couple of weeks, this past week especially.  If you don't know what I'm talking about or if you're new here (hi), I have a health condition called Fibromyalgia and also EDS, if you would like to know more in detail, you can read my health post here.  Basically if I over-do things I get flare ups and by the feel of it, that's exactly what's going on right now.  I also still have anaemia at the moment, so I feel like I'm fighting my health all ways round lately.  I'm due to speak to my specialist this week, after 3 months of waiting for an appointment, about finally sorting out some iron treatment for my anaemia, so fingers crossed I can finally start that and I'm praying it kicks in soon!

I've even felt too rough this week to film a video which is disappointing as I've really been enjoying making videos over the last few months.  Kind of disappointing that not many people see them as I put sooo much work in to them and like with my last video 'What I Got for Christmas' I only had 7 views! But I guess perseverance and time will help.  I have another video planned to film later this week, I thought I would have a go at doing monthly favourites.  If you're a long-time reader of my blog you'll know I usually only ever do seasonal favourites, but I thought it might be nice to give it a go and there's been quite a lot of little bits and bobs I've been loving so why not do a favourites!

As for resolutions or goals this year, well one was to regularly upload videos and posts (going well so far I don't think) but we're still only in January so I'm not feeling too guilty yet.  I also would love to really try and get out and about more this year.  I have a couple of big events coming up in March and April, which I am SO excited about but then nothing else, so I want to try and get out of the house and actually go places, maybe just on a train a go to a new town or go and visit one of my friends and vlog the trip later in the year.

And finally, I have really gotten in to bullet journaling, wow have I got into it, pinterest has been my best friend this week.  While I've been feeling too crappy to do anything, I've been really enjoying scrolling through all the ideas and saving image after image, as well as watching countless 'bu-jo' videos on youtube.  I was given a really lovely plain notebook for Christmas and after investing in many new stationary bits (very naughty I know), I now am the proud owner of a lovely set of colour pencils, brush pens and fine liners to help get me started!  I have also been learning how to do some nice little fancy fonts and cute little doodles, I've already started on my index page, calendar page and main January layout, as well as figuring out the various themes I'm going to do for each month.  So far I'm not finding it a quick process which doesn't really work with the whole 'bullet' idea but I'm new, I'm still learning and I'm enjoying it, so that's good enough for me for now.


Well, that was a lot more than I planned to write, well done if you made it this far, if you did write in the comments what your favourite colour is :-)  Also, let me know any particular posts or videos you would like to see from me this year and until next time, lots of hugs to you all and 'Stay Happy' xx

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