Sunday 28 January 2018

10 Things You Can Do to Get Inspired

Hi everyone, it has 100% been 'one of those weeks' and by that I mean one of those months!  I haven't been well enough to film any videos, I'm completely out of ideas for blog posts and I'm generally feeling very uninspired all round!  So I thought what better way to get my mojo back, than to share with you some of the actual ways I get ideas, here's 10 things you can do to get inspired :-)

1. First off, put that phone down!  You're never going to get your thinking cap back on if you're too busy scrolling through facebook!  And avoid Pinterest, great as it is for general inspiration, it's not going to help you think up actual blog post ideas if you get side tracked laughing at minion quotes! (*note to self, I must not do that!)

2. Look around your room, what new things have you bought recently, been enjoying using recently, products you've been really loving or hating, did you go crazy in the January sales?!

3. Look through Bloglovin, see what other bloggers are writing about and what's popular right now.  It doesn't hurt to get an idea from someone else, just put your own spin on it.

4. It's January, what goals have you planned for the year ahead?

5. Do you have your schedule all sorted, are you an organized person?  Share how you do it.

6. Any big events coming up soon or later this year, are you excited, talk about it.  Are you going away, what are you taking with you?

7. Did you have a good year last year, what were the highs and lows, how do you plan to improve or what are you going to change this year?

8. Do you have the January blues (like me), talk about ways to sort yourself out, share some of your favourite positive life quotes, it might help!

9. Think outside the box, have you had any weird dreams lately you fancy sharing?  Imagine your dream job/man/day out, tell us about it.  Write a story or poem.  If you could go anywhere in the world for a trip, where would you go and why?

10. Do you have an interesting hobby; explain all about it, how did you get interested in it?  Do you do crafts and make things, show us!

Just get your notebook out and write down as many things as you can, write down the type of posts you like to read.  Sit and concentrate for a solid 5-10 minutes, even a couple of times in a day and I guarantee you'll end up with loads of ideas.

I hope this post helped some of you, it certainly helped me.  Let me know in the comments if you liked these ideas, if it did help inspire you and any other tips you can think of too.  How do you get ideas? :-)  Until Next Time Stay Happy

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