Hi everyone, just to say first off, sorry for my
lack of post last week, aside from feeling ill all week, our wifi had a fault
and I just couldn't get online long enough to upload the post, sorry but I hope
you enjoy it now!
Two weeks ago I actually did something exciting,
I went on a little 3 day holiday with my 2 best friends to Blackpool. I kind of went a bit crazy with the photo
taking (I took over 100 on the first day!!)
So I can't show them all but I thought I'd pick out the best ones and tell
you a bit about what I got up to in Blackpool.
So here we go. . .
The first day was probably my favourite, we did
so much.
For once in my life I was actually ready on time that morning to be picked up at 10am, bags all packed (which took me at least 4 hours the day before) and finally we were on our way.
For once in my life I was actually ready on time that morning to be picked up at 10am, bags all packed (which took me at least 4 hours the day before) and finally we were on our way.
It took about 2 hours or so to get there thanks
to an accident and typical UK bank holiday traffic but it wasn't too bad and
with all the anticipation and excitement (and in-car karaoke), the time went
really quick anyway.
We stayed at the Canberra Hotel, which was a really nice place, the room was quite reasonably
priced and the breakfast they served each morning was amazing!
After unloading our bags we headed to the main
town and found a Starbucks :-D Then went
on our first adventure on a tour of the Blackpool Dungeons underneath the tower.
It was like a fun, scary history lesson without
the boring bits. There were actors in period costumes that walked you through
different rooms, telling you all about the plague, the smuggling gangs, the War
of Roses and the torture chambers, with added gruesome sounds and smells (yes
one room actually smelt of urine)!! All
while getting random members of the audience involved at the same time,
including me lol! It was a lot of fun. One of my friends brought her son along for
the trip (that's the cute little one in the pics ;-) and he seemed to really
enjoy it too.
After a little look around the dungeon gift
shop, we stopped for a quick rest and a drink, then it was finally time to head
up the famous Blackpool tower! If you
click on the YouTube link, you can see a short video I took of the view from
the tower, while going up in the lift.
It was very impressive, but not as impressive as the view from the very
top! It was almost hard to believe we
were 300 feet in the air!!
And yes I was brave enough to stand on the glass
floor, and look down!
After a look in the tower gift shop and buying a
couple more souvenirs. . .
. . .We headed off to find some food.
There's SO many places to choose from it's crazy
but they're all quite expensive too. We
did manage to find a nice place though and had a really nice meal while we
watched the sun go down. The view and
the beautiful sunset that night, were amazing!!
We decided to have a wonder on the pier for a
while before we jumped on a tram and headed back to the hotel, then it was time
for hot drinks, a good laugh and a look through all the photos we'd taken that
day. That was such a lovely fun time,
like an old-style girly sleepover :-)
We were full of excitement again the next
morning, ready to go to the Pleasure Beach.
I was really looking forward to going as it had been nearly 20 years
since I'd last been to a fairground!
Although sadly for me it didn't go quite as I'd hoped.
We all queued up for the first ride, I didn't
really know what to expect but definitely wasn't prepared for what
happened. My friend and I got in the back
car and pulled the safety bar down (which didn't really go low enough to hold
me down) we looked at each other all excited as the ride started off. Within half a minute, the cars suddenly
lurched forward and plummeted, I felt my neck yanked backwards and I hit the
base of my skull really hard on the back of the car seat. I looked at my friend this time with horror! After a very long 2 mins and several more
plummets, thankfully the ride had a break before the next section. I saw some other people getting off so I got
off too and I honestly couldn't get off quick enough. I just felt really (mentally) shaken up! The worst part was, as I touched the back of my
head to see if it was bleeding, there was a huge lump!! After that I ended up having a full blown
panic attack, I felt so embarrassed but I just couldn't help it and
unfortunately it pretty much ruined the rest of the day for me. My head was paining and I felt too nervous to
try any other rides. . .
I did go on one later that day with my friends
which was just like a drive through of the Wallace & Gromit world, that was
quite sweet. Looking back, I probably
should have found someone from first aid but thankfully the pain did ease as
the day went on, although I could hardly lay down that night and I still have a
slight bump now, 2 weeks later!! Really
though I was very lucky as it could've been a lot worse! I may sound like an oldie here but honestly I
don't see how these rides are safe for the body and I will definitely know in
future the type of rides I never want to go on again!!
Later that day, one of my friends and I went
through another type of walk-through tour, this time is was a horror tour
called Pasaje del Terror (apparently it's a worldwide
thing, you may have already hear of it and you can google it). That was very cool and very creepy! I love stuff like that but I think I
practically dragged my friend through it, holding her hand the whole time and
half running to get through lol. You had
to walk through a very narrow passageway while people dressed like Michael Myers
and Freddy Krueger etc jumped out at you with (hopefully) fake knives and
chainsaws and chased you along!! Eeek,
lots of fun though.
After that we got ourselves some traditional
fish and chips and sat looking out over the sea by the beach watching the
sunset :-)
The next day we gathered up our swimming
costumes and towels and headed off to the waterpark. We pretty much spent the majority of the day
there, in the water for the big waves, in the spa and having lunch in the
restaurant part. That was lovely and
nice and relaxing after the previous day's bad experience! I love the way it was decorated inside, with
palm trees and pictures of safari animals.
I wasn't allowed to take any pics but I found this one on Google so you
can see what I mean. I decided not to
try any of the slides but if I ever get chance to go again I will have a go,
because I do enjoy those.
After that, it was finally time to get back to
the hotel grab our bags and travel back home (and then try and recover for
nearly a week!! #fibro)
As always I hope you enjoyed this post, I really
enjoyed doing this one although sorting out which of the hundreds of photos to
use took forever!! :-) Where have you
visited recently, did you go with family or friends and have you ever had a
horrible experience on holiday? Let me
know in the comments :-)
I will leave you with a few more pics that I
took (and thank you Shelley for letting me use some of hers for this post). And until next time, stay happy ♥

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