Thursday, 26 November 2015

15 Things To Do, When You Don't Have Wifi

Hi everyone, as you may have read in one of my last posts, my laptop broke down at a vital time last week (although when is it ever not a vital time?!)  To top that my internet kept playing up so I couldn't get online properly for most of the day for more than about 2 minutes, and nothing would load when I could!!

oh my god i need help photo Big Bang oh god I need help pc issues_zpsnapbiqf2.gif

The point of this story, is that I honestly felt lost like I didn't know what to do with myself. . . Until I actually sat and thought about it, and came up with so many things, I didn't know what to do first.  I suddenly felt like I had so much time on my hands and all these possibilities.  It's definitely true that we all spend far too much time online and sometimes it is just so nice to get away from the pc, put our phones down and just do something else!
Oh no, no wifi photo Oh god no - no wifi_zpsrxinvz3v.gif

So I have compiled a list of just 15 things, to give you some ideas and inspiration of what you could do next time you either feel like a break from the online world or you just can't get that annoying wifi to work :-)

1. Read a book.  This is something I've been doing more and more over the last year and I can easily spend an hour getting lost in a good book!
. Watch your favourite DVD
Have a nice relaxing bath
. Try doing some baking, cookies or scones are really easy to start with!
. Spend some time cuddling and playing with your pets, they always appreciate the extra fuss
. If it's day time, take a nice walk or go for a run
Be creative and make or draw something
Write in a diary
Listen to music and make a playlist
. Spend some quality time with your family and do something fun together
Tidy out a drawer or cupboard
. Write to an old friend or elderly relative
. Try your 'hand' at nail art ;-)
. If all else fails, catch up on some much needed zzzz!!
. Remember how nice it is not to be online ALL the time and to make the most of living.  You don't always need to tweet, instagram or snapchat every moment of your life, not everything has to be shared with the world!  So enjoy your time and make the most of it :-)
Decorating a Christmas Tree photo Decorating a Christmas Tree_zpsrwko1fpz.gif

For a few extra ideas as it's now the Christmas season -

1. Plan your Christmas gifts *(look out for next weeks post for lots of ideas)
. Work out your Christmas wish list
. If you haven't already, put your Christmas Decorations up
. Bake some festive biscuits *(another post coming soon)
. Make your own Christmas cards to give to everyone

If you can think of any more things that I haven't mentioned, please leave them in the comments and let's really gets some ideas flowing to share with everyone.  I'm switching off now and going off to do something creative! :-)
Until Next Time Stay Happy

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