Thursday 7 May 2015

Be Inspired

Hi everyone, as you may have notice lately my posts haven't been as regular as they used to be.  I will openly admit, I have been severely struggling for post ideas and life in general has been over-the-top stressful of late, so unfortunately my blog has taken the brunt of it and been put on a back burner.  It's not been my top priority and I just haven't been feeling as enthusiastic about it as I always have, especially as I've not had the time or been able to give it the commitment I always did.  So I do apologise for not being around much lately!

But thankfully, things are on the up, I'm now feeling brighter, clearer and am raring to go.  I have a tone of ideas for brand new and (hopefully) interesting posts for you all and I'm finally back to being excited about my little space on the internet.  Some of you may not have even noticed I'd gone, so hello, here I am, I'm back, and I hope the new posts I have lined up for you will keep you coming back for more :-)

As a consequence of my recent lack of ideas, I've been spending far too much time reading other blogs, watching youtube, listening to music to calm my mind and browsing through the digital abyss that is Pinterest!  But thankfully it was not all a total waist of my time, as I was finally able to come up with the idea for this post!

About 4 years ago I went through a pretty rough break-up and then went through a time of feeling very down and depressed, I couldn't find interest in anything, I just didn't know what to do with myself.  And then by accident one day I stumbled on all these various videos on YouTube of people chatting and talking about their life experiences, I sat and watched quite a lot and subscribed to lots of them too, many of which I still watch regularly now.  It helped me SO much, I can't even tell you, it was just so reassuring to hear about other people struggling with the same things and how they helped themselves.  Their advice and tips even helped me to feel better about myself and gain more confidence too.
So I thought I would share with you a few of the YouTubers that I watched back then who really helped me and that may help you too if you're having a rough time.

The first of which has to be Bunny Meyer, aka Grav3YardGirl.  I can't believe I've rarely spoken about her before, she's always been and still is my favourite YouTuber, she's funny, quirky, very individual and yet is still very down to earth.  She's suffered with very bad anxiety over the years and has made several videos on how she copes with it like this one here.  Her sassy and wacky sense of humour always makes me laugh and I always look forward to her paranormal videos too.

Another YouTuber you will probably already know that suffers with anxiety issues, is Zoella.  Although she seems to have conquered many of her issues these days, she has made some really great inspiring videos in the past, like this one.  I just find her positive attitude so refreshing and her tips for tackling overwhelming situations are really helpful.  She also did some resent work with the mental health charity Mind, where she promoted the idea that everyone could wear a red button (either on a piece of clothing, as a brooch or hair pin etc) as a sign that they supported others with mental health issues and were aware of them, which I thought was a really great idea.

My third YouTuber is Grace from Ugly Face of Beauty, I love the way she is so open and honest, she speaks from the heart and will talk about absolutely anything and everything.  She gives amazing advice and is even in the process of setting up her own charity, called The Love Ugly Charity, to help and advise people about self confidence, relationships, self esteem etc.  If you're interested in checking out her videos and the latest one about her new charity, you can do that here!

I also love inspirational quotes, just reading a few words can really put your thoughts into perspective and make you think more clearly.  So here's a few of my favourite ones, yes there is quite a few, I like them all so much I couldn't choose between them :-)

I just love this last one, it's such a short simple quote but says so much!


And of course if there is one thing that can truly make you feel alive, it's music.  For me it either has to be a mixture of my favourite songs or something I can't keep still to, a good beat and a great tune that makes me feel uplifted.  My 90's playlist that I created on YouTube recently has definitely been fun to listen to lately, I keep remember more and more old favourites too and keep adding them so there's always lots of new ones to listen to!

And finally, people, I can honestly think of 5 people straight away that I really look up to for all they've been through and are still going through every day and yet they still manage to cope and get on with life, if that's not inspiration, I don't know what is!  I would love to actually say who they are but I won't, I just hope they know who I mean :-)

I hope you all liked this post and found some of it useful.  I'd love to hear your favourite inspirational quotes too.

Also I have a quite a special post coming next week, as it's my 100th post :-) So Until Next Time Stay Happy

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