Hi everyone, for todays post I thought I would
do something a little more fun. Everyone
has things in life that either other people do that stress you out, or just
general annoyances that make you want to scream! So here's mine. . . I hope you like this
post, have a good laugh and share my pain people! :-)
You know when you go and buy something and the
shop assistant hands you back your change.
Well they are trained (as was I once upon a time), to give you your
receipt, then the notes, then the coins on the top. And so you're left standing there, bags on
one arm, purse (or in my case 2 purses as I have one for notes/cards etc and
one for coins) in one hand and a pile of change in the other hand, trying to
juggle everything, get your money put in your purse before it all slides off
the note and falls on floor and all the while hurrying as the next customer
behind you is impatiently waiting to be served!
And 9 times out of 10, even when I actually say to them, please can I
have my change separately, they usually ignore me and pretend not to hear and
do it anyway!! It drives me crazy!

I hate it when you finally get lovely and comfy
in bed, you really snuggle down under the duvet and feel like you're about to
drift off on a soft fluffy cloud. . . And then you suddenly get a really
annoying itch that you just can't ignore and you have to move completely to get
to it!
I love when my nails all look lovely and smooth
and all the same length, but this is a rare occurrence! Because every time I finally get them to all
grow the same length and they start to look gorgeous, I accidently snag and
break one. When it happens, I just want
to cry!

It takes me ages to get my hair looking and
resembling something that looks like I've styled it, so when I finally get it
looking all smooth and just lovely, it makes me so mad when I then step out the
door, there's a huge gust of wind and I end up looking like I've been dragged
through a hedge backwards!!!

(excuse the crazy looking woman, it's the only gif I could fine!)
Another thing that ticks me off is when you're walking along through
town especially when it's busy or you're in a hurry, and then someone starts
walking really slowly in front of you or worst of all, they just suddenly stop right
in front of you for no real reason and you end up nearly bashing right into them! I mean why, just why!

Another similar one is when you're walking through town, minding your
own business and thinking about where you've got to go and suddenly you get
accosted by people with clipboards wanting you to sign up for something or
other, I've literally even been followed on occasion and I just feel like
turning round and saying, for goodness sake go away, well maybe a little less
politely at times too! I know they're
only doing their jobs but c'mon just let me get on with my shopping. A friend of mine once said to me, never look
'em in the eye and just keep walking, good advice me thinks!

This one really annoys me, when people shortened words! Instead of saying the proper full word like
'sorry' for instance and they shorten it to soz! Urrrr I hate that SO much, soz is not a word,
don't say it, speak properly!!
Facebook nuisance spam type chain messages. Getting messages that your Facebook friends
send you that say 'pass this on to 10 of your friends within 5 minutes to have good
luck all day' etc, they are SO annoying!
This is the latest one going around, I've already had it sent to me
twice by different friends . . .
I get them so often and I hate them, especially the ones that are more
threatening, like send this to 15 of your friends within 10 minutes or all
these awful things will happen to you. . .
just go away!

Automated phone calls, press one for this, press 9 for that, why can you
never get through to a human being no matter how many buttons or how many menus
you go through, it's SO annoying!!

I just really hate it when people swear for no real reason, just for the
sake of it; every other word is a cuss word.
I personally just think it's extremely unnecessary and unpleasant, don't
do it people it's not cool. The same
with guys spitting, it's just seriously gross!

I get quite busy during my days, so when someone sends me a message it
can be a good while before I even get chance to read it, let-alone reply but
that's just life, right!
But when I'm waiting to hear back from someone I've just sent a message to, oh my goodness, minutes seem like hours and it drives me crazy waiting! And then when my mobile vibrates and pings, and it's not from the person I'm waiting to hear from, it's even worse. I know stupid isn't it, or do any of you guys do that too? Let me know in the comments the little things in life that drive you crazy and if you agree with any of mine :-)
But when I'm waiting to hear back from someone I've just sent a message to, oh my goodness, minutes seem like hours and it drives me crazy waiting! And then when my mobile vibrates and pings, and it's not from the person I'm waiting to hear from, it's even worse. I know stupid isn't it, or do any of you guys do that too? Let me know in the comments the little things in life that drive you crazy and if you agree with any of mine :-)
Lastly, a very HUGE thank you to every one who entered my Giveaway Competition which has now ended, so I will be announcing the 3 winners
in the next day or two and I'll upload a short post announcing them :-)
Until Next Time Stay Happy ♥

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