Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award - I Got Nominated :-)

Hi everyone, just before christmas I was very kindly nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, by the lovely Rebekah from The Rebekah Koontz Site.

So on to the rules:
1. Show the award on your blog.
2. Thank the person who nominated you.
3. Share 7 facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers (I agree with Rebekah, that's is a lot of people to find!)
5. Add links to your nominee's blogs and let them know they've been nominated.

7 facts about me:
This next step was actually a lot harder to do than you'd think!
1. I live in North Wales and I love it here, it's beautiful.
2. I've been blogging for over 14 months and I've learnt SO much.
3. I love to read books but rarely get the time to do it, although I am currently ¼ way through Stephenie Meyer's The Host which is brilliant (and I love the film).
4. I have a total addiction to plain Pringles.
5. I know a lot about the powers and uses of gemstones.
6. I love going on Instagram every single day.
7. I'm a total procrastinator!

Ooh that was difficult lol.  Right these are all the lovely blogs that I nominate, apparently they don't have to have a certain number of followers (as with the Leibster Award, which I was nominated for a couple of months ago, you can find that here), so I have picked ones that I visit often and a few others that I think deserve the award.  So please take a minute to go and check them out and I hope you find some new ones to follow.

Jasmine Color U Bold
Brunette Wavez
Milk Bubble Tea
Chloe Marie
My Crazy Beauty Journey
Porcelain Beauty x
It's Just Sofie
Katie Lou
Lauren Rellis
A Piece of Elish
All Things Beautiful
A Red Lip and a Nude Shoe
Autumn Leaves
Beauty and The Bird
Cherry Pie
Circle of Chaos

Thank you again to Rebekah for nominating me and I hope you all liked this post.  Please feel free to leave me 7 facts about yourselves in the comments, I'd love to hear them :-)

Until Next Time Stay Happy
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  1. Vanessa Billie-Jill-Jean29 January 2015 at 00:27

    Ahh, thank you so much for the nomination, dear. ^^
    Lovely greets Ness

  2. Thanks again Dani, so lovely :)

  3. You're welcome, really like your blog :-)

  4. You're welcome hun, I've liked your blog for over a year :-)


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