Saturday, 17 January 2015

Another Happy Little Find ... From Etsy

Fabric and lace Flower, Etsy Shop, Designs By Fleur Petite

Hi everyone, sorry for the late post this week guys but I was waiting for this little beauty to arrive in the post so I could write and tell you about it.

I found this gorgeous little fabric flower on an Etsy shop called Designs By Fleur Petite, last week.  I've been looking for something pretty to add to the shabby chic style of my bedroom for a while, and you know how I love my pink roses and little floral prints, so when I spotted this I was over the moon, these pictures do not do it justice at all.

This lovely little shop has SO many beautiful flowers, it was really difficult to decide which one to go for, I just decided to buy this one for now but I will definitely be going back for another look soon, as there's already 2 or 3 more I have my eye on! :-)  They're priced quite reasonably too, this one was only £5.35 and you can find it here.

Apparently all the flowers are made to order too, so each one is handmade just for you. As I was about to place my order, I noticed that the lady who makes them also does custom orders.  Some of the other flowers in her shop had lace all in between the folds and petals of the flowers and it looked so, so pretty but the one I had chosen (because I loved the little floral print fabric so much), didn't have lace.  So I sent her a message and she said yep that was fine, she would add that in when she made up my flower :-)  I was really excite to get it and thankfully I didn't need to wait too long.

It arrived on my doormat yesterday morning, all nicely packaged in a pretty cream organza bag (which I forgot to photograph) and then in a posting box to keep it safe and I was thrilled with it straight away :-)  It's made so nicely that you can't even see the stitching.

It has a white felt circle on the back, so I can easily fix it on to one of my keepsake boxes or maybe a brooch pin.  I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with it yet but I have lots of ideas.  At the moment it's sat on my bedroom shelf next to my pretty birdcage looking beautiful, I might even put a clip on the back and wear it in my hair in the summer :-)

According to the item description, the flower is made of 100% cotton print fabric, poly-cotton lining and cream lace, the lady has even put this adorable lace covered button in the centre, it's so cute!

I can't wait to get a couple more to add to my collection and when I do, I will certainly let you all have a peek.

If you have any mums or sisters birthday's coming up or if you want to have a look for an early Mothers Day gift, go and have a look because any of these gorgeous flowers would be perfect!

I hope you liked this post, if you did please give me a little like and leave a comment below :-)

Until Next Time Stay Happy
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