Thursday, 30 October 2014

HALLOWEEN SPECIAL - My Top 6 - D.I.Y. Halloween Costume Ideas (Part Two)

Hi everyone, so as I explained yesterday, I wanted to show you my 6 top Diy Halloween costume ideas, but as it turned out to be an extra long post with a load of pictures, I thought it best to split it in to 2 separate posts.  All these costume ideas I've come up with, are purely to give you inspiration and simple ways to create quick last minute Halloween outfits.  I hope you find them useful :-)

Little Red Riding Hood: As with some of the costume ideas from yesterdays post, this one is super quick and easy.  Pick out a simple cute dress, add some nice shoes, then all you need to finish it off is a red cape and a small basket.  You can often buy capes in shops around halloween, that are red riding hood capes or devil capes, my friend got one a few years ago for only a couple of pounds.  Or if your sewing capabilities are up to it (or your mum/sister/aunt etc), you can make one.

I found a great tutorial here that I think anyone could manage to do.  If you're like me and pre-plan these kind of things, you can often find little baskets in shops around Easter time too!  To make the costume a little more vamp and sexy; wear a short black dress underneath the cape, boots and a glossy red lipstick :-)

The Classic Witch:  Ok so this look has been done over and over, but it's still a great one, one of my favourites and always looks good.  You can pick up witch hats from pretty much anywhere at Halloween and sometimes you can get away with just that for accessories.  But if you want to go the whole hog and add a few more, try looking for some fun stripy tights, a broom and a silver pentagram necklace.  If you can't find a broom in any shops, you can even find tutorials online to make these too.

Add all these accessories to a black dress, black top and leather-look leggings or. . .

Why not make a tattered skirt like this one instead, using lengths of tulle, netting or lace.  You can make it as long or as short as you like and there's no sewing involved either :-)

I found this great witchy makeup tutorial on YouTube. . .

. . .And these brilliant dark Halloween eye and lip looks on Pinterest.

The Zombie/Ghost Bride:  I just love this one, it's such a fun idea.  I was actually amazed while looking through ebay, just how cheaply you can buy a wedding dress, they're listed for as little as 99p in auctions and some can even be bought outright for only about £5!  You can usually find old second hand dresses and veils very cheap in charity shops too.  Pair with white shoes, white lace gloves and a black rose bouquet to create a brilliant costume.

And lastly try out one of these makeup tutorials by Grav3YardGirl or Jordan Mattice, to really complete the look.

These ideas are really simple to recreate and can be easily made up from items and clothing you already own.  Not only will it save you money by not buying a ready-made costume, it's also a great feeling knowing you made it yourself!

Finally, here's a few VERY old pictures of me wearing costumes that I've come up with in the past (you're welcome to laugh)!

There are tones of ideas on Google Images, Pinterest and many other places online, and within 5 minutes of scrolling through you can easily find loads of inspiration for your costumes.  Why not have a go at some of these ideas and then send me some photos of your finished outfit to my Twitter @DaniJ72.  I can't wait to see what you all come up with :-)
Until next time have a very 

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