Monday, 31 March 2014

Closet Confidential Tag

Hi everyone, well what a busy week, it's been a very stressful few days here, life has been very hectic and I've been rushed off my feet, plus I think I have a sinus infection I'm not sure, yuk not fun! So I do apologize for the lack of new post over the last week, I normally like to try and do a post at least once a week if not more but this time round, it's just not happening :-/
But anyway, I have a new fun little post for you guys, and I've treated my blog to a new font too, just because I couldn't resist and I hope you like it :-)

So, there's a new tag going around YouTube at the moment called the Closet Confidential
Tag which was originally created by YouTube's Fleur from
 FleurDeForce.  I've seen several people do this tag now and it got me thinking about some of the clothes in my wardrobe. . . So, here's my version :-)

Question One – What is the oldest thing in your closet?

This pink checked shirt, I've had it around 9 years or so, I probably got it in a sale (I do with most things, trained bargain hunter!)  And I just love it, it's that cheese-cloth type of material so it's naturally crinkly and I never have to iron it (bonus!)  It's great under a jumper in the autumn and perfect over a strappy vest or t-shirt in the summer.  It's definitely one of my 'staple' pieces!

Question Two  What is the newest item?

Jumpers, jumpers and more jumpers, it's all I've been buying lately!  My old ones have definitely seen better days and I needed to renew my winter wardrobe!

Question Three  What is the most expensive item?

I got this gorgeous shirt a couple of years ago at Debenhams, It's by Red Herring and I think it was around £28, which for me was a lot to spend on a shirt!  I just love the style, the way it hangs as it flares from the waist, I love the ruffled panels and the gorgeous vintage style buttons, each one is different!

Question Four  What is the cheapest/most affordable item that you wear a lot?
I couldn't help but choose two items for this question, these 'boyfriend style' cardigans are just amazing.  I bought several of them last year in a little boutique called Pure Image for only £4 each and when I say several, I mean 8!! They are so easy and comfortable to wear, especially in the summer as I like to keep my arms a little covered (I burn easy, it's the red hair!)  And these are just perfect as they're so light-weight.  They were available in a nice range of colours too, so I now have one to go with any outfit :-)   

The second item/s are these basic staples, t-shirts and strappy vest tops.  I always wear these under jumpers in the colder months and I have sooo many!  I get them from Primark and they only cost around £2.50 - £4 each, brilliant! 

Question Five  What was the biggest bargain?

These gorgeous boots were originally £25 each from Tesco, I've been wanting some boots this style for such a long time and these were just ideal but at the time, I really could not justify spending out that much on them, plus I just couldn't decide which colour I liked best!  So several weeks went by and Tesco Clothing had a sale on :-)  Yes you know what's coming next!  The black pair were reduced to only £10 and there was no way I was going to miss out on them but there was no brown ones anywhere!  Another couple of weeks went buy and I thought well they're bound to all be sold out by now, but to my total surprise and delight, they had one pair of the brown left, in my size and only £5!!!  I was meant to have them :-)

Question Six  What was the biggest waste of money?

I bought this cream lace blazer at the end of last summer, in a sale at Tesco, I think it was around £8 which yes isn't the greatest waste of money and the thing is, I still really like it, the lace is beautiful, it has gold threads running through it and the cut fits really well.  My problem is, I haven't a clue how to style it in an outfit.  Yes it would look great with jeans but I just can't find the right top that really works with it, so, so far it's stayed in my wardrobe :-(

Question Seven – What are your 3 favorite items right now!

Well just look at it, it's beautiful!  I pick up this stunning blouse in (you guessed it) a sale at Tesco for about £6 and just fell in love with it.  So now I'm waiting for a bit more warmer weather and somewhere nice to go so I can wear it!

I was really excited to find these lovely mint skinny jeans in Primark a while back, they were only £8 and fit like a glove.  I also picked up a faded denim pair and a white pair.  I'm longing to wear them with t-shirts or floaty tops and flats in the summer :-)

This beautiful item was another absolute bargain!  I saw it in Matalan last summer as a full dress, it had a strange cape attached to the sleeveless top and even though it was £25 I loved it.  I tried it on but was so disappointed, it just didn't look quite right at the top half and Several weeks later I spotted it again in a sale for £7 :-)  I got it home, tried it on again and still wasn't happy with the top but loved the gorgeous long skirt.  So I took a pair of scissors and the top came off!  I now have a beautiful flowing maxi skirt for the summer :-)

There's so many other clothes that I love in my wardrobe and it's actually been really hard to decide which ones to show for this tag.  So I'd love to see which ones you would choose, let me know in the comments below or send me links to your youtube videos or blogs, as I love to see them :-)

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  1. I see you love pastels colors me tooo!!!!!!! :))) great post nice pieces dear!!


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