Monday, 10 March 2014

A Little Visit to - Wrexham Museum

Helloooo!  I've been a bit naughty this past week and even though I've been having loads of ideas for blog posts and I have been busy preparing for them too, I've not done a post in over a week, how did that go so fast!!  Apologies!

Anyway so, I thought I'd do a quick post now and tell you about my visit to Wrexham County Museum in North Wales, that I went to on Saturday (the 8th March).

My friend and I spent a good while looking around, it's quite a small place but full of artifacts, photos and other interesting displays.  It was even free entry!  The lady at the front desk told me I was quite welcome to take photos inside, so I happily went round clicking away, taking lots of photos to share with you guys.  So here they are :-)

The front of the museum

 Police constables through the ages

 Ooh creepy skeletal remains, on the plaque it said only 22% of the bones were found in the
man made coffin, wonder what happened to the rest!

A brooch, coins and a part of furniture that was found in the local areas

Ancient Coins and what they could buy, back in the day!

Ornaments, a few children's toys and a creepy child's gas mask!  It's a shame this pic
came out a little blurry though

 I quite liked this beautiful child's horse, it reminded me of the rocking horse I had
when I was little

A random collection of old packets and other vintage items, just look at that hairdryer!

Aren't these amazing!  A display of beautiful gemstones from around the world

There was also a lovely cafe just as we came through the doors next to little gift shop but sadly we got there too late to sample their efforts.

And who can resist a gift shop!  I spotted this gorgeous little Rose Quartz heart on a shelf and just had to add it to my already large collection of gemstones!

I was also given this funny sticker as a reminder of our visit, I think it's supposed to be a caveman, hmm strange!

So all in all, it was a very nice day :-)  Have you been to any museum's recently, did you enjoy it, what things did you see?  Let me know in the comments below :-)
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