Friday, 4 April 2014

March Mini Haul

Hi everyone, I just wanted to do a quick 'mini haul' for you today with a few of the bits I bought on Friday last week.  There's only a few bits to show you but I'm quite excited about them all and just had to share :-)
First off I picked up this absolutely beautiful dress in Tesco, I tried it on and just couldn't resist (we all know that feeling right?!)  It looked great on but it is a little too big for me under the arms, nothing I can't fix with a sewing machine.  So for that reason only I'm using the product pic from the Tesco website to show it to you.

It has the most beautiful lavender-blue satin fabric underneath a white see-through layer of embroidered flowers, it's synched in at the waist and has a 'v' opening at the back.  I love the higher rounded neckline too, as anything with a low-cut neck looks terrible on me!  So it's just perfect and I can't wait to wear it somewhere nice in the summer :-)

The next place I toddled off to was of course Boots, I mean when do I ever not go to Boots lol :-)  I wanted to take advantage of the 3 for 2 offer that was only on for a couple more days, so I picked up 3 more of the Rimmel Color Rush Balm Stains.  I won't say too much about these as I'm planning a little review for you all in the next week or so!!

I got (from left to right), Not an Illusion, Give Me a Cuddle and The Redder The Better to add to my collection :-)

And now for the big finale, drum roll please.....
I finally spent the Boots advantage card points that I've been saving up, for what seems like forever, and got the amazingly wonderful Real Techniques Core Collection Brush set :-D  I have been wanting this since I first got the Starter Set over a year ago and have used it every time I do my makeup, they are excellent brushes and I've been longing to get them for an absolutely age! :-)

So that's it, just a few little bits that I picked up and decided to show you!  I hope you're all well and have a great weekend :-)

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