Wednesday, 12 February 2014

A Happy Little Find!

Hi everyone, just a very quick post for you today, just wanted to show off this gorgeous little rose ring I bought from ebay recently.

It was only £1.99 and the postage was free too, total bargain!  It arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to try it for size, as the shop (depapex) only sells this ring in a size 'K'.  I guessed it would be ok for me as I have quite slim fingers and thankfully I was right and it fits beautifully and I am very happy with my little purchase :-)

At the moment they have 7 of these left, and although the price seems to have gone up to £2.25, I think it's still a very good price for something so pretty!

The ebay shop has many other beautiful jewellery items and I was amazed to see the prices as they all seem so inexpensive.  So, well worth a look I'd say!
You can find this ring by clicking the link here Gothic Silver Rose Ring :-)

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Disclaimer: I bought this item with my own money and have not been asked to write this review by anyone!


  1. Ooo this is so cute & pretty! Great find, ebay is fabulous for finding bargain bits and pieces! :D Would you like to follow each other? If you decide to please follow me and leave a comment so I can follow you right back :)
    Eleanor x

    1. Hi Eleanor many thanks for your comments, yes it's lovely isn't it, I was so happy with I just had to show it off lol
      And yes I'd love to follow your blog, many thanks! :-)


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