Hi everyone, I wasn't originally going to upload
a post this week but there's a few things I just wanted to talk about. Now when I say a few, I would advise you to
go and get a cuppa and get comfy, this post turned out to be a lot longer than
planned, sorry! :-)
Firstly, a little health update. As some of you may remember I recently told
you about a few tests I had to go for.
One was for another lump I found in my boob, I had to have a biopsy
done, which thankfully turned out to be all clear (you can read all about my
other breast lump experience here and the update here). Also
I had to have an MRI scan a couple of months ago, to try and find out what's
causing all the pain in my stomach, again that came back all clear but I'm
still waiting on a few other test results too. I've also got anaemia again (long running
issue with me), so I'm waiting to get treatment for that. And finally, I've been told I have to have an
endoscopy (camera on a tube down the throat in to the stomach, for those who
don't know). I can't say I'm looking
forward to that one, bit nervous to be honest and I'm not sure when I'll get
the results, but I'll let you all know what happens when I do.
On a happier note, I've been quite proud of myself over the last couple of weeks as I've been keeping very busy with new projects. One being getting back in to jewellery making, which I haven't done in a while, I've really enjoyed sorting out all my charms and making up some new bead bracelets, I also bought a few new beads in Hobbycraft last week, so I'm excited to use them.
I've also been working on some new sets of greeting cards, which is something I used to do alot years ago and although I still make them every year for the Making Cards Christmas Special issues, I haven't made any others for probably a few years. So this last week, I've been making a few new cards (you may have seen some sneeky pics on my instagram) and I plan on working on several more sets to send in. I'm really pleased with how they've turned out so far and I'm really looking forward to making some more.
Also, I spent about 3 hours one evening about a week
and a half ago and pretty much taught myself how to edit videos with Windows
Movie Maker. It's something I've never
done, because I've never really needed to, until now! Why you may be thinking, well – drum roll please – I have started vlogging, ahh yes I
have finally joined the world of youtube, I've updated my channel, changed the
name and uploaded a new header, all great exciting things. I've been wanting to do this for so long, I'm
talking a couple of years or more, so a couple of weeks ago I just thought, that's it
time to start. I've been loving watching
other peoples vlogs and I'm really, really loving and enjoying the editing
process, I've learnt a lot and I hope they've turned out not too bad!
I'm just using my phone's camera at the moment
but I'm hoping to get a proper new vlogging camera very soon, so for now the
picture quality is not the best. Also,
I'm doing it in a bit of a different way to the usual style, I found it
generally easier all round to start off with and to help get me in the swing of
doing it (you'll see what I mean). I
quite like it, I'm hoping to progress a lot more over the coming weeks but
mainly I really hope you like it.
But can I just ask you to please go and have a
look and let me know what you think, tell me any ways you think I could improve
and generally if it's boring or not, it's ok, be honest! I really don't do a great lot during the day,
especially if I'm having a fibro-day and I don't go out as often as I'd like
(really not selling myself here am I oh well), but I thought it would just be a
little addition to my blog, it would show you a little more of my life and what
goes on and maybe it would help me get used to filming, editing and hopefully
build my confidence up for what I have planned next spring ;-) So I hope you will mosey on over to my
channel and have a watch, like it if you do, please leave constructive comments
and if you're really crazy and actually like it and want to see more, then
subscribe as well, and that would make me extremely happy :-D You can find my channel here.
Following on the youtube theme, I just wanted to
mention a couple of youtubers that I've recently discovered (including a new
youtuber), and a few others that I really have been loving watching, ones that
have gone from 'just someone new to watch', to the only ones I want to make
time to see!
First off is Just Jodes, I found her through another lovely girl called Becca Rose who I've been watching for years,
Jodie just seems to do just the kind of videos I fancy watching, she's funny,
sweet, interesting and I just generally like her. She's replied to some of my comments on her videos and been really nice and I've really been enjoying her daily vlogs too.
I've also been looking forward to telling you
about new youtuber Pinkstar Helz. You may recognize her
from many of my instagram pics and blog posts, as she is my lovely bff
Helen. I'm so happy and so proud of her
for finally starting her channel, I think she's doing a great job so far and I
know she'll continue to do really well with her channel. So please go and watch her videos, like and
subscribe to her if you haven't already :-)
As for the other's that's kept me entertained,
I've also been watching Gabby, Mark, Hannah, Chyaz and Lucy, and one of my absolute favs, the lovely Corrie.
Just a few other little thoughts:
Why does your nose itch when you brush your teeth, or is that just me!Am I the only one who doesn't have any Christmas decorations up yet?
I miss the summer.
Where's Carol when you need her, she needs to come back and kick Negan's ass!
How come one minute everything can be going according to plan and the next, you're having one shitty day!
Am I the only one who seriously misjudges time, I always severely underestimate how long things are going to take to do.
As always I hope you like this post. Please leave me a comment below and let me know who your favourite youtubers are at the moment and any other random thought you like :-)
Until Next Time Stay Happy ♥

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