Friday, 12 August 2016

What's in My Handbag

Hi everyone, I have been using the same handbag pretty much since last winter and as much as I still really like it, it was time for a change.  I spotted this lovely little bag in Asda about a month ago and as the weather has finally decided that summer has arrived, I thought this new smaller handbag would look much nicer with my summer outfits.

I definitely seem to have a love for white/ivory bags and accessories these days, so as soon as I saw this bag I wanted it.  I love the gold hardware and the general size of the bag, it's not too small or too big and I can actually fit all my essentials in there, which is nice because that way, I don't over fill it with 'stuff' so it becomes too heavy to use (which is what often happens!)

I love accessories and kerings and I think every bag should have something dangling on it!  I love this pink tassel keyring that I made ages ago, I think it goes really well and looks quite pretty.  I remember buying a few belts in a sale in Primarks last year for about a pound each, they were all nice lengths of gold chain with different coloured tassels on the end, and I remember thinking then, they'd be great to take apart and use for keyrings and jewellery, sales are perfect for scavenging bits like that.  One was lemon, one was grey and the other was this pretty pink, so I just took the belt apart and added a gold clasp to fit on my bags, sorted :-)

Inside the bag, there's not the greatest amount of room but thankfully as I said, I can fit all my essentials in and it also meant that I was able to be quite ruthless and leave out all the bits I didn't need.  There's one small zipped pocket inside and 2 small open pockets, that I keep one of those thin fold up shopping bags in and my keys.

Ok so on to the actual stuff I keep in my new bag.  Of course the main thing is my purse; I bought this lovely ivory and gold one from Amazon a couple of years ago to go with another bag and I still love it.  The little flower charm I got from ebay and I think it adds a nice little touch.  I mainly keep my store cards, notes, taxi cards and receipts in this purse and I put all my change in the floral coin purse.
I have my favourite sunglasses, which I honestly thought I'd lost a few weeks ago while I was out.  I looked everywhere, I even went back to a couple of shops and asked if I'd left them but no joy and I was really sad.  I then went to get a tissue from my jacket pocket and there they were lol, I felt like a right twit :-D  I think these ones came from Poundland originally, they are a little wonky but I love the mirrored lenses and the style, plus I stood on my old ones so had to get a new pair asap!!
I also currently have a £5 Asda voucher that I was given a couple of days ago.  And the lippy is one of my old favourites by Rimmel, it's the Moisture Renew 125 'To Nude or Not To Nude', I love this one so much and it definitely one I always like to keep with me while I'm out and about.

I absolutely love this little cat mirror, I was given it for a gift a couple of years ago by one of my best friends, it's so cute and I've always kept it in my handbag.  I like to always keep some mints to hand and of course hand sanitizer is always a good idea.  I keep my earphones in this little aqua pouch so the wires don't get tangled or broken but admittedly I rarely use my earphones unless I'm travelling on trains or long distances in a car.  And tissues are probably one of my most essential items, because my nose hates every kind of weather and sometimes my eye water too.  Plus of course you never know when you're going to run out of toilet paper in a public bathroom!!

Like I said I always keep my house and bike keys in one of the front inner pockets, yes more keyrings :-)  I always like to have a couple of pens with me (in case one runs out when you least expect it) and I have my little diary as well as this gorgeous little silver glittery notepad, I found it in wilkinsons a couple of days ago for a pound and it was the last one on the shelf, so I just had to grab it :-)  And of course a spare hair band, I get through these so fast, they're always breaking!

I've had this little cat purse for a long as I can remember, it's been one of those things I've kept in my handbags for years and it's my little emergency kit!  I keep paracetamols in there, hairgrips, a couple of pound coins, a tiny pair of scissors, a few plasters and a tiny reel of seletope!  Well you never know!!
I also have my trusty Tangle Teaser, some more hair clips, nail clippers and another hairband.  My little sewing kit for rips and lost buttons, and of course a portable charger!  The only thing I didn't photograph was a spare pad (for those emergency lady days!)  And I forgot to add in my nail file, what I would do without that thing when I've broke a nail, I do not know.  I cannot stand having a horrible sharp broken nail, it drives me crazy and snags on everything!!

I hope you like this post and found it mildly interesting!  I have a little Q&A for you next week, so if there's anything at all you fancy asking me, just leave a comment below or send me a tweet and I'll make sure I add answer it in next weeks post :-)
Until Next Time Stay Happy

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