Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Dream A Little Dream - Craft Post

Hi everyone, today I thought I'd do something a little different and something I haven't done for a while, a crafty post!

I bought this gorgeous wooden dream sign a few weeks ago, it didn't state what size it was and I imagined it to only be about 7-8 inches long, but. . . When it arrived, it was huge (well about 60 inches).  But I knew straight away where I wanted to put it and I knew exactly how I wanted to decorate it.

I started by painting it all white, just doing one coat on the back and about 3 on the front.

While the last coat was still wet, I added some fine silver glitter just in a few places.

Then once it was dry, brushed off the excess with a soft brush, wow that made a mess!! :-o  Some of the glitter didn't stick which was a shame because I was really happy with how it look, so I had to go over again afterwards with a tiny amount of glue and add some more.

Once that was all dry, I added a few clear crystals with a dab of glue.

And then I was nearly done!

Once everything was dry and I had brushed off every last speck of loose glitter, I took it up to my bedroom and added some slightly warmed blue tack to the back in several places.

It was then time to put it up and get it into position above my bed.

I'm really happy with it, I think it adds to the look of my room and being white and with a tiny bit of silver, it matches perfectly :-D  One thing I wasn't quite prepared for was the mess, wow glitter everywhere!  Thank goodness for vacuum cleaners!!
I've got several other items in my craft box to paint and decorate, so I will be posting them at some point too.  I hope you liked this post, please let me know if you did and if you would like me to do more craft posts on here, I would be happy to oblige :-)

Until Next Time Stay Happy
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