Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Dear Santa. . . Christmas Wish List 2014

Hi everyone, well it's December at last, finally time to get those old decorations back out and start planning your greeting card recipient lists.  It's also time to start thinking about what you're going to buy and who for and I've been thoroughly enjoying reading all the Christmas gift ideas lists and wish lists from so many various blogger, as it's given me tones of ideas.

But I wanted to do something a little different.  Since I am allergic to a lot of strong scents and smells, I've never been a fan of perfumes, body sprays or scented bath products and the like, which seem to be a popular gift option for Christmas!  So I have compiled a little list of items that I personally would love to receive this Christmas and if it inspires you to think of gifts for others or even ones that you would like to receive yourself, all the better :-)
So dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is . . .

1. The new limited edition Urban Decay Naked 'OnThe Run' palette, Urban Decay palettes are one of the best makeup items ever invented and this one is no exception!  It has everything you could possibly need apart from foundation and concealer and ooh I want it so much!

2. Tall brown boots, let's face it they look great with everything from jeans to leggings even skirts.  My old black leather biker boots have certainly seen better days, so I have my eye on a nice pair of these.

3. Tanya Burr's new limited edition 'Mistletoe Kisses' lipgloss, since first getting a few of her lip glosses in the summer, I've grown to love them and this would be a very nice edition to my collection.

4. The Vampire Diaries dvd box set, I love anything to do with vampires, Buffy, Twilight, Fright Night etc but I never got the chance to see any of this when it was on TV and I've heard so many people rave about it, so I would love to own the box set and finally get to see it for myself.

5. Girl Online book by Zoe Sugg, as you know I am a big Zoella fan (along with half the nation) and I was quite excited when she mentioned she was releasing her first novel.  It's currently in it's first week of release now and apparently it's sold even more copies so far than JK Rowling's Harry Potter!!  I can't wait to read it :-)
*amendment - Ok so it turns out Zoe didn't write this on her own, shocker!  Oh well, I would still like to read it.

6. Silver Diamante Koala Bear dust plug, so cute, so sparkly and I just love little things like this to personalize my phone.

7. MAC Viva Glam V lipstick, I have always wanted a mac lipstick, but I tend to begrudge spending a fiver on a drugstore lipstick so this is way more than I care to spend out, although to own one would be lovely and I just love this shade, it's so pretty!

8. Benefit's They're Real mascara, I'm well aware that everybody already has this and even though I would really love it, I just can't justify spending over £18 on a mascara when I'm used to spending about £7, nope just can't do it, so for a gift this would be ideal.

9. Linkin Park 2015 calendar, do I need to explain this one, really?! :-)

10. Chocolate money, you can't really go through Christmas without having a little festive chocolate and I've always ended up having some chocolate money ever since I was young, some traditions you just have to keep going!

11. Ooh and if you just so happened to find one of these available, please do feel free to pop him in my stocking ;-)

Until Next Time Stay Happy

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