Sunday, 2 January 2022

Life Update & New Year Changes

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a good Christmas, or break from work/school etc, or had fun celebrating in whatever way you do.  I'm sad to say that I have very much neglected my little corner of the internet this past year and I do hope to write more in the future.  My excuse is that I have had an extremely busy year, working on my business, which I will tell you all about very soon.

I am glad to say, that I've had a very productive year and for the most part I've enjoyed the whole process.  On the down side; if you read my posts all about the counselling I had last year, you will know that I suffer with bad bouts of depression and despite the counselling helping a great deal in many ways and feeling a lot better afterwards - this year I took a massive step backwards and my depression has been very difficult, to the point of being too anxious to leave my house for the past 21 months, yes really!  I may write more about that at some point.  So this is definitely something I want to work on and try and improve this coming year.

However this post, as well as being a mini life-update, is about the whole expectations of a 'new year'.

People say, "new year, new start or "new year, new me"".  New year is the perfect time to start that diet, or start exercising more, start reading or flossing more.  Why not take up a new hobby or learn a new skill.  Be more productive or finally quite a bad habit.

My questions is - !!WHY WAIT!!

Why wait for that clock to strike midnight to change bad habits or be more positive.  Why not start now!  Start when you as an individual feel ready.  You could get up next Wednesday morning or even suddenly in an evening, and decide to start reading books, or cycling, etc!  Whatever you want to do, for YOU.

In 2020 right in the middle of June, I decided to chance two massive life choices, and I am SO glad I did as it paved the way for my fresh start!

Why make these type of changes on this one specific day just because it's traditional and expected!  Be You.  Change if and when YOU want to, whenever YOU want to.

Ok rant over :-)
Until Next Time Stay Happy

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