Friday, 4 September 2020

Your MIND Matters

Hi everyone, I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post but I have been busy working on a really big project, (yes the same project that I've been hinting at occasionally for about the last two and half years!)  Well that's because it is FINALLY happening :-D And I can't wait to tell you all about it in my next post.  So look out for that.  It's been a very long process, a lot of work (understatement) and I am SO excited to finally share it with you all.

But for today, we're going back to something else that's very important to me, mental health awareness.  In my last blog post I spoke about my experience talking to a counsellor and about some of the charities and organisations that offer further support. One of them being the charity MIND.

I first met with a counsellor from MIND many years ago when I was referred to them by my GP and I saw someone for about 8 weekly sessions. For me personally, I didn't feel it help at the time, as the person I saw literally just listened but didn't give any advice, which is what I needed and why at first, I was reluctant to see a counsellor again this time around. But it just goes to prove, you can't go by one bad experience!

So, I just assumed that was all MIND had to offer.  Little did I know that 9 years later, the charity had been completely reorganised and now offered a whole host of new ways to help!

After hearing about MIND from my counsellor and then researching a little more, I was amazed at the amount and various types of support, and events that they can now help with and I really wanted to tell you guys all about it.

They can help with everything from housing issues and jobs, to training scheme, therapy, befriending schemes and even offer support groups like arts and crafts, or groups with like-minded people that can share their issues.  As well as various online events and groups to cater for the current situation!

You also have the opportunity to give something back and help them, because of course they are a charity and can only keep going by donations and public support!  Why not help with campaigning, become a member or spend some of your spare time volunteering and use your own experiences helping others!

Because every little helps and we all need that little extra help sometimes, especially at the moment in these crazy times.

You can find more information and phone numbers for your local MIND charity on their website HERE

I hope this helps xx
Until next time, Stay Happy and Stay Safe

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