Thursday, 14 July 2016

My 3 New Favourite YouTubers

Hi everyone, today I thought I'd tell you about my latest favourite YouTubers, a couple of which I've only been watching for about a month and already love and another that I found about a year ago and I think they're just amazing!  So if you'd like to know more, keep reading. . .

Fabulous Hannah I first noticed her on a couple of Gabby's vlogs and thought she sounded nice, so I headed over to her main channel, I now subscribe to her vlog channel too!  She doesn't have a great many followers, which I find quite amazing because her makeup tutorials and general videos are as good as the next big YouTuber!  She very sweet and friendly, just the sort of girl you know you could be best mates with and have a laugh with.  I just generally really enjoyed watching her videos lately and thought she deserved to have a mention and if you haven't already, go and check out her channel.

Mark Ferris Well, what a lovely funny guy!  I've been absolutely loving watching him do collab videos with Zoe for ages now, they are hilarious together and always have me cry laughing!  So I thought I must go and see what his channel is like.  Great timing on my part because he's just got a puppy (insert eye-heart emoji)!!!!  Her name is Teddi, she's absolutely adorable and he loves her to bits, I love watching them play together in his vlogs and love the way he chats to her, it's so cute!  I love the way he's generally so genuine, so down to earth and he just chats on like you're sitting down having a coffee together, he just a total gem and I've been really enjoying and loving his funny videos, they really relax me when I watch them too.  Click the link on his name to go and have a look :-)

Adrian Bliss firstly, if you've not already heard of this guy, where have you been!!  I found out about his channel from another blogger about a year ago, I went straight over to his channel and ended watching every single video on there!  He had created a series of about 20 episodes, all between 2-5 minutes long.  At first I thought who is this weird guy trying to be a YouTube vlogger, and doing it really badly!  Then I realised it was acted and by the end of the series not only was I hooked, I was practically longing for the next instalment. . . Which thankfully appeared at the beginning of June for his 'Vlune' series.  As soon as I saw his first vlune video pop up in my subscriptions list I smiled like a Cheshire cat and have now watched every one.  He's so funny without even trying and you've just gotta love his silent friend Greg.  I just think it one of THE most innovative and creative YouTube shows I've ever seen, absolutely love it.  I highly recommend checking out his channel, you will definitely end up subscribing and longing for more episodes, I guarantee it :-D

As always I hope you liked this post, please follow me on my various social medias if you haven't already (and if you already do, thank you so much :-D )  And make sure you come back next week, as I have a new giveaway treat for you!!

Until Next Time Stay Happy

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