Monday, 23 February 2015

Thank You :-)

Hi everyone, when I first started my blog back on the 5th of November 2013, it was just a little space for me to talk about all the things I'm interested in and share all the things I love with anyone who might care to listen.  Fast forward just over 15 months and I'm astounded by how much I've gained through it, like confidence, knowledge, skills, friends and most importantly all you lovely readers! :-)

I always try to keep up with any new followers I have especially on Twitter and send a tweet to thank each individual person but I recently realised, that on Instagram and especially on Bloglovin, this is not possible to do!  And so for this post, I wanted to take the opportunity to send out a massively huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have followed me and my little blog on Bloglovin, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+ :-)
I am extremely grateful to all of you and thank you all so much for following and reading my blog, as well as all of you that have ever took the time to write a comment, favourite my tweets and enter my giveaways!

Which also leads me on to my next announcement, the winner for my Valentine Giveaway is Suzanne Giroux from Canada @pinksuzanne, so many congratulations to you! :-)

Finally, I have another cooking post up for you this coming week, where I show you how to make some delicious chocolate chip cookies and tell you about my own disaster when I tried to make them last week for Valentines! :-/

And I also just wanted to add, I'm so sorry guys for uploading my post late this week but in between general life problems, it was also my birthday on Friday and so with that and spending quality time with my boyfriend and my lovely friends at the weekend, things (including this post) took second place!  I hope you will forgive me and I will do my best to get my posts up on time (which is normally every Wednesday or Thursday) every week.

So Until Next Time, Stay Happy and THANK YOU

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  1. What a lovely post. And happy birthday! Hope you had a great day :)

    Sofie xx

  2. Aww thatnk you so much :-) And glad you liked the post x

  3. Congrats on such an eventful year and a half of blogging!!! Its such an amazing feeling to see how your blog grows! Happy birthday to you as well you are such a sweet woman and I'm so glad I followed you on twitter you are so very delightful!!!!

    Jasmine :)
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