Hi everyone, so I was watching Alfie Deyes' new video on YouTube (Pointless Blog) the other day, where he picked out 25 fun things that he wants to do or accomplish over the summer and thought, what a great idea and a really fun thing to do! So I have come up with my own list of things, I couldn't quite think of 25 things and originally I was only going to write down 15 but then I had a sudden brainwave and thought of a few more lol, so now I have a list of 20 goals that I want to complete :-)
So on to my list of Summer Goals –
1. Go
swimming, because I love to swim but none of my friends do so I need to pluck
up the courage and go alone!
2. Eat a fancy ice cream, a flavor I've not tried before
3. Go to a beach a build a sandcastle, with a flag and a moat lol
4. Have a picnic, such a nice thing to do in the hot weather
5. Buy a pair of brown sandals, if only you all knew how much I've been wanting some brown sandals but so far nowhere has what I'm after, so I shall keep looking until I find them!
6. Eat strawberries, I just love them but haven't even bought any this year yet
7. Finally wear my maxi dress, the one I bought about 2 years ago and still haven't been brave enough to wear, although I do need the sandals to wear with it :-/
8. Paddle in the sea
9. Play mini/crazy golf, it's a lot of fun and I haven't played it in so many years
10. Curl my hair, I never allow enough time in the mornings when I rushing to get ready and go out to actually do much with my hair and since I bought myself a conical wand about 2 years ago, it's about time I finally used it, plus who doesn't love the 'beachy-waves' look!
11. Climb a tree, just for the lols :-)
12. Make something crafty, I'm still trying to think what I should make at the moment, maybe something to help decorate my room or something usable like decorating a storage/keepsake box (what do you think?)
13. Collect a souvenir from ever place I visit, I've pretty much done just that ever since I was a child from school trips and I have already been getting a little collection of bits up together lately too, so I shall just keep on adding to that. At the end of the summer I'll photograph all the items and label where there from :-)
14. Have some candyfloss, this time minus the wasp (yes that happen last time, not pleasant!)
15. Make a playlist of summery songs to listen to all summer
16. Let a balloon go with a message attached, I could even add my email address to it and then whoever finds it could email me and let me know!
17. Make some biscuits or mini cakes, I've haven't done that in a really long time either!
18. Grow a plant
19. Start getting up earlier, I'm so bad a sleeping in but I want to make the most of these long summer days!
20. ............ I am leaving this space blank, because I would absolutely love it if you guys would comment, give me your ideas and tell me what my 20th summer goal should be!
2. Eat a fancy ice cream, a flavor I've not tried before
3. Go to a beach a build a sandcastle, with a flag and a moat lol
4. Have a picnic, such a nice thing to do in the hot weather
5. Buy a pair of brown sandals, if only you all knew how much I've been wanting some brown sandals but so far nowhere has what I'm after, so I shall keep looking until I find them!
6. Eat strawberries, I just love them but haven't even bought any this year yet
7. Finally wear my maxi dress, the one I bought about 2 years ago and still haven't been brave enough to wear, although I do need the sandals to wear with it :-/
8. Paddle in the sea
9. Play mini/crazy golf, it's a lot of fun and I haven't played it in so many years
10. Curl my hair, I never allow enough time in the mornings when I rushing to get ready and go out to actually do much with my hair and since I bought myself a conical wand about 2 years ago, it's about time I finally used it, plus who doesn't love the 'beachy-waves' look!
11. Climb a tree, just for the lols :-)
12. Make something crafty, I'm still trying to think what I should make at the moment, maybe something to help decorate my room or something usable like decorating a storage/keepsake box (what do you think?)
13. Collect a souvenir from ever place I visit, I've pretty much done just that ever since I was a child from school trips and I have already been getting a little collection of bits up together lately too, so I shall just keep on adding to that. At the end of the summer I'll photograph all the items and label where there from :-)
14. Have some candyfloss, this time minus the wasp (yes that happen last time, not pleasant!)
15. Make a playlist of summery songs to listen to all summer
16. Let a balloon go with a message attached, I could even add my email address to it and then whoever finds it could email me and let me know!
17. Make some biscuits or mini cakes, I've haven't done that in a really long time either!
18. Grow a plant
19. Start getting up earlier, I'm so bad a sleeping in but I want to make the most of these long summer days!
20. ............ I am leaving this space blank, because I would absolutely love it if you guys would comment, give me your ideas and tell me what my 20th summer goal should be!
Why don't you all have a go at this too, I'd
love to read your lists of goals and in a couple of months come back and let me
know if you managed to do them all :-)

Aww thank you :-)