Monday, 27 August 2018

R.I.P. to the Naked Palette!

Hi everyone, earlier today I found out that the most loved eyeshadow palette around is being laid to rest, yes after 8 long years, the famous Urban Decay Naked Palette is being discontinued!  I couldn't believe it when I heard the news, there were a few rumours going around on Twitter, then I saw it for myself on UDs Instagram.

The Naked palette was the first 'high end' palette I ever bought, about 3 and a half years ago, thanks to so many youtubers recommending it, I have sworn by it ever since and quickly came to love the whole UD range.  I could soon see why everyone raved about it and held it as such a 'holy grail' item in their makeup bags, and now I certainly do too!

I won't waste my time telling you how gorgeous the shades are, how versatile and how perfectly blendable because if you own this palette then you'll already know but if you don't, I suggest you buy it quick and guard it with your life because you will honestly never want to be without it.  Seriously, if there was a fire/earthquake/zombie apocalypse and you could only rescue one of your palettes, this one would be it! :-D

In all seriousness, I am absolutely amazed that Urban Decay have decided to discontinue this palette because it is such an icon and such a loved product and I as will we all, be very sad to see it go.

How long ago did you buy yours and do you still love it?  Let me know in the comments.  Let's all commiserate together and show our love for this beloved product that will be severely missed!
RIP to the dear Naked Palette

Until Next Time Stay Happy
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